Chapter 4: Flaws

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I met Eva Matthews when I was in the third grade. I had just moved into town and obviously being the new kid in the neighborhood, I did not know anybody. For a long time I would ride my bike over to a park that just so happened to be right in between my house and Eva's house. Since the park was close by our house, momma let me go out all by myself. I loved going to the park but I hated going especially being all by myself. I would just swing on the swings until I had to go inside for dinner.

One day I returned to the park and continued my normal routine. As I got on the swings Eva came over to me. "You look sad, wanna play?" Of course I said yes because at least I would be doing something other than just sitting on a dirty old swing. We would play all the games you could imagine. My favorite was hide and seek, but I don't think that game was even close to being Eva's favorite. I would always hide up high in a tree. We had made it a rule so that when you find someone you have to touch their shoulder. Eva hated climbing super tall trees so naturally I hid there. I'm such a great friend.

This continued for about 8months. Sooner or later I told momma about Eva and she wanted to meet her and asked if I wanted to invite her over sometime. I was so excited so I grabbed my bike and rode all the way to the park where I saw her sitting on the swing I always sat on before I met her.

"Hi Eva! What do you want to play today?" I ask eagerly.

"Nothing...I don't want to hang out with you anymore"

I could feel my heart start to sink and I start to stutter "w-why?"

"You just annoy me." She rolls her eyes and walks over to another group of friends.

I felt so hurt, I ran home crying and went to explain everything to momma. She was on the phone with dad so I didn't bother. I ran up to my room and payed on my bed crying for at least half an hour. I only knew her for 8 months but I had such a close connection to her that wasn't like any other connection I have ever had.

2 years later...

We are both in the sixth grade at this point. I have met some other friends who I truly care about. I completely forgot about all that has happened between me and Eva. No more worrying about her, all I have now is Oli, Keith, Taylor and Becca. We were all sitting at lunch one day, I get done with my food first so I get up to throw it away, then Evas's friends who she left me for went up to our table and started handing everyone flyers and I saw that she was whispering something to them. I head back to the table, Eva's friends are all gone and my friends had put the fliers in their bags.

10 minutes later the bell rings and we all head to our next class. On the way I need to stop at my locker. When I walk up to it I see fliers of me supposedly trying to kiss Eva taped all over it and in bold permanent marker I see... 'Faggot...dyke...lesbo'. Taylor and Oli walked with me to my locker and helped me tear down all the fliers. Oli texts Becca and Keith to go find the janitor.

When the janitor gets to my locker with all the cleaning supplies he asks "Who did this?" I wasn't sure who it was so I try to look around for a sign and then I recognize that Faggot is in Eva's handwriting. So these must have been the poster her friends were passing out to my friends. I feel sick so I rush to the bathroom, dragging Becca with me so I don't have to make the janitor clean up another mess.

Taylor sends me a picture that he took of the bottom of my locker, it reads I could never be friends with a fag honey, sorry not sorry ;)


Hello tysm for reading this chapter! As you could tell this was to explain why Eva and Jamie have issues with each other. Next chapter will return to the present time. Next part will include all the new characters mentioned in this chapter.

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