Chapter 5: Washed Away (part 1)

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I can't believe that I was kissing Eva Matthews with the thought of her saying I was a fag in middle school. I mean she's not wrong. Seeing her panic about the whole event that happened in the locker room made me start to panic as well. When my lips are on hers I can feel all of my troubles wash away.

I try going further with the kiss by placing my hand underneath her sweater and just over her bra, she didn't appreciate this move so she pushed me away.

"What the fuck? Why are you acting like this?!" She gives a cold look like I've never seen before. Part of her looks like she can kill me any second now but another part of her looks like she is ready to cry or start panicking again. I really hoped she wouldn't kill me but I can't bare to watch her cry.

I grab her hand and link my fingers between hers. I place a slight kiss on the back of her hand. "I'm should probably go..."

Before I have a chance to blink, she grabs me by the face and now I can see that now she will really start crying "No! I don't want to! I need to be here with you! I need YOU!"

Why is she saying all of this? Isn't she against people being gay? Nothing is adding up! Why does she sound so into me?

I was so fed up with her "Why do you all of a sudden NEED me? I think I remember you hating me and calling me a fag last time we actually talked as friends!"

She stood there, not a word came out of her mouth. I started to walk out of my room and that's when she decided to speak "I just need you okay? Do I have to have a reason?"

I don't care that she is basically admitting her feelings towards me. None of that matters anymore. If we love each other that does not matter at all! All that matters is that she is a bitch who ruined my chances of getting everything I deserved.

"After you had those posters made and left that message on my locker, my parents wouldn't talk to me for months, I was kicked out of every club I was in, fuck, I even lost some friends because of your little bitch trio!

She gives me a confused look "What posters?" I freeze and look at her.

"T-the posters where we looked like w-we we're gonna kiss!"

"THOSE BITCHES!!" she grabs my hand and storms out of my house.

"Eva! Stop! Let go!!" She doesn't, the remark just makes her hold on tighter. She has a strong grin and I can feel my hand begin to go numb. "STOP! You're hurting me!!" I cry out, which finally gets her attention to let go.

She turns to face me and pulls me in for a hug, "I'm so sorry" she give my cheek a light kiss. I try my best to break from her embrace, but again her grip is way to strong for me to handle.

She grabs my hand again, this time without squeezing it super hard and takes me over to her friends' house which is also in our neighborhood. She knocks on the door and they both answer.

I look away trying not to face them. All of a sudden I hear a loud smack. I turn back to see both of their faces, bright red.


Tysm for reading this chapter! The next chapter will be considered a part 2 to this one.

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