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Lauren's POV

Standing there in the doorway to Nando's was One Direction! I was freaking out inside but I played it cool on the outside. I didn't want them to think I was a freak even though there was screaming girls on both sides.

"Hello!" Louis exclaimed.

"Hi!?" I was so confused why was Louis Tomlinson talking to me?

"Are you Lauren?"


"Well my name is 'Kevin'."

NO WAY! Louis Tomlinson is Kevin!?!?

"So your Kevin. I wasn't sure if you were gonna be some creepy stalker. My friend told me I would never know unless I went. I am."

"Well I.... I mean we are very glad that you came to meet us."

The others were already inside so Louis held out his arm to escort me in after them. I guess I never realized how cute he was. Maybe it was because I have never been this close to him.

"So are you hungry?" Louis asked.

"I was but now not so much. I guess it's from the plane ride. Jet lag."

"What!? How can you not be hungry!?" Niall asked in aw.

"I don't know. I'm just not okay. Stop pressuring me." I guess my nervousness and excitement was starting to show on the outside.

"Niall!! Stop yelling at her. She doesn't have to eat if she doesn't want to." Louis defended me.

"It's ok. I'm just kind of nervous. I'm kind of confused why you guys asked me to come here."

Did I really just tell them I'm nervous? I'm so stupid! They don't need to know that.

"It's ok. You don't need to be nervous." Liam comforted me. "Do you want to know why we asked you to come here now?"

"Yes! Please!!"

"Well we saw your video on YouTube and thought you had an amazing voice." Zayn said.

"You thought I sounded good?"

"OF COURSE WE DID!!!!!!!! Your voice is AMAZING!!!" Louis hollered.

How could they think that my voice is amazing? They are the ones with the amazing voices.

"Wow thanks. I guess my mom and BFF were right."

"You bet they were!"

"So did you guys have me fly to the other side of the world just so you could meet me and tell me I have a good voice and then send me home?"

"No way! We were wondering would you like to come to our hotel for a little while to hang out. Your staying at our hotel anyways but I mean in our room?" Louis asked.

WHAT!? They want me to come to THEIR hotel room. This is a dream come true. I get to hang out with a famous boy band.

"Sure. I'd love to."

"There is a catch........"

"What is it?"

"You have to sing a song or two for us. And then we will sing to you if you want. "

"Ummmm, I don't know."

"Please please please please please please!!" Louis begged.

Maybe if I wait a little longer to answer he will get down on his knees and beg. But I won't put him through that torture.

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