Did It Hurt? (Daniel x Reader)

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(I drew that. Sorry if it's bad.)

Your Pov

I was currently on the couch with my boyfriend, Daniel, cuddling and watching Good Omens.

He always loved shows like that. Supernatural, Death Note, and Good Omens.

He also is always wearing white. I also don't know what he does for work.

If I didn't know any better I would think he would be in a cult, but I'm not going to pry.

Another thing about my boyfriend is that he's flirty. Like cheesy flirty. With the bad pick up lines and all and I have a feeling he's going to say another one.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

Speak of the devil.

"Yes Danny?"

"Did it hurt?"

I rolled my eyes. "Let me guess, when I fell from heaven."


"Wait what..?"

"Did it hurt...." He turned my head towards him.

"When you fell for me." He said with a big grin on his face.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?"

He nods his head.

"You're so cheesy!"

"I know but you love it."

(Sorry it's so short)

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