Idiot (Erin x Reader)

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Requested by @user0193636

I hope you like it! :)

3rd Person Pov

You snuck out of your tent at around 2:30 am at Camp Campbell and went to the lake. You were going to meet your girlfriend there and were really excited.

You two meet at the Lake Lilac Social. You caught her eye when you tried to think of a plan to prank David... again. She approached you and gave you smart ideas to prank him, but you didn't have time to do those pranks as both you got distracted by talking to each other. Then just like that the dance was over and she had to go back to her camp.

But you got her name... Erin. Such a lovely name you thought.

You guys kept meeting up at the lake ever night since then. You later told her how you felt about and was absolutely delighted when you found out she felt the same.

Speak of the devil. As you got closer to the lake you saw her with a book in her hand. This was your nightly routine. Reading a book together with a flashlight under the stars. The book the two were reading was Perfect Blue: Complete Metamorphosis by Yoshikazu Takeuchi. Both of you were liking the story so far.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hi Erin!"

"No one saw you right?"

"No I don't think so."

Little did they know that one counselor noticed them leave and was currently looking for the missing camper.

Not even five minutes after you two started reading you both heard rustling in the bushes. You held on to Erin tight as she did the same. You both saw a tall shadow and out from the bushes revealed...

Your camp counselor David.

"I'm really sorry to disturb your reading time, but it is almost 3 am. It is way past your bedtimes."

"What David!? You can't do this!" You said standing up.

"I'm sorry kiddo, but you have to go to your tent. You can meet your friend tomorrow during your free time!"

You were about to argue, but he had a point.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"It's because you're an idiot." Erin said with a giggle.

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot!"

"Stop being cute kiddos it's time for bed. Sorry."

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