Frog (Dang x Platonic! Female! ADHD! Reader)

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Requested by Anonymous (it's a secret)

Hope you like it! :)

Dang's Pov

I was wondering through the forest curiously when I suddenly heard a croak. I looked around me then looked down. There was a small purple frog. I wonder how it was even here as this can't be it's natural habitat, but I assume that fool Mr. Campbell brought it here.

I was about to pick it up when I stop. What if this thing is poisonous? I tried to think of an idea to pick it up. Suddenly it was like a lightbulb popped out of my head. I had the perfect idea.

I ran back to camp then ran back to the place where the frog was. Luckily it was still there. I put the paper I brought down so frog can hop on it. It was a genius plan.

The frog went on the paper and I slowly pick it up. As I'm walking to camp I thought of the perfect person to show this to. My friend (Y/N). She always loves little creatures.

"Hey there Dang! What do have there?" A cheery voice said taking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh David! You startled me. I found this cool frog and I hoping that Neil could identify what species this is."

"Oh that's Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis also known as the Indian purple frog. It is odd that you found one her because as the name implies they're found in India."

"Oh. Interesting. How do you know so much about frogs?"

"There are a lot of things I love and my three favorites are Camping, Trees, and Frogs!"

"Oh that make sense." Then I just walked away.

I walked over to (Y/N) as she was doing her hobby.

"Hello (Y/N)!"

"Hi Dang! How are y..." She slowly trailed off as she saw me and the frog.


"In the woods."

"It's so cute! I LOVE IT! We should build a mini house for it OR WE CAN MAKE IT A LITTLE HAT!" (Y/N) rambled on.

She always got excited over the smallest things. But hey that's a reason why we are friends.

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