Tired (Brian x Reader)

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Brian's Pov

Everyone was doing what ever activity they were doing when I noticed that (Y/N) was stumbling around. How odd. I walked over to them to see what's going on.

"Hey (Y/N)! You doing ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." They said sleepily.

I noticed that they have dark circles under their eyes.

"You sure? You look very tired."

"Well yeah. Max challenged me to stay up all night and if I did he'd give me five dollars. I don't even know how he got the monet. My theory is that Max stole it from David, but five bucks is five bucks."

"Well... How do you feel?"

"I can feel salty and smell colors."

"Yeah... You should go to bed."

"No it's -"

"ALRIGHT CAMPERS! IT'S TIME FOR ARTS AND CRAFTS!" David yelled cutting (Y/N) off.

"Well! Lets go!" They said with a tired grin.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Come on!" (Y/N) said as they grabbed my hand and ran to the mess hall.

Thirty minutes passed and I felt something fall on my shoulder. I look over and it's (Y/N) passed out.

I didn't move for the next hour.

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