Why? (David x Reader)

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Your Pov

The day was finally over and the campers were in their tents. So Gwen and I thought we should watch a movie. My crush, David, was a little hesitant but, eventually came around.

Now the question is... Which one should we watch?

Gwen wanted to watch Hocus Pocus, I wanted to watch Forest Gump, and David wanted to watch Dear Evan Hansen. So we decided to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide.

Gwen won.

The movie was really fun and I enjoyed myself. Then it was my movie.

I heard some snoring beside me.

It was Gwen. Which means David and I are here...


I looked over towards my right to see David focusing on the movie. He looked so adorable.

Suddenly he snapped his head towards me. He must have felt my staring.

"Sorry..." I said weakly and awkwardly.

"It's ok (Y/N)!" He said with a grin.

"Thank yo-" I was suddenly cut off with a kiss on the cheek.

I immediately feel heat rushing to my face quickly.

"Why would you do that David?" I asked flustered.

"I- I don't know! I don't know what got into me!" He said seemly just as shock and flustered as I was. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)."

"Um... David?"


I then pecked him on the lips.


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