Love, Me Normally (David x Reader)

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First ever song fic :]


In lipstick on the mirror

Are the lyrics to my obituary

In iambic pentameter, followed parameter

Crossing my eyes, dot my T's

David awoke in his cabin. The smell of pancakes from the mess hall is in the air. He looked at his clock and saw that he was thirty minutes late! He slept in!

Scrambling out of bed he runs to the bathroom to brush his teeth when he noticed his nails.

They were painted with a shade of green. He remembered last night. Gwen and (Y/N) convinced him to paint his nails with them. He couldn't figure out how to paint them without making a mess. Damn his clumsiness. He started to become flustered as he remembered how (Y/N) grabbed his hand and painted his nails beautifully.

He shook his head and finished getting ready.

He runs over to the mess hall just in time. (Y/N) is serving pancakes to the campers.

"Hey. I'm so sorry I slept in!" David said.

"Don't worry about it. Gwen and I thought you deserved to sleep in. You've been working so hard." (Y/N) replied.

"Oh." David mumbled while slightly blushing.

They were so nice.

I was delivered holding scissors

I live deliberately, I'm a quitter

And a winner anyway

Cause I never agreed to participate in this game

Later in the day the campers were playing a water game in the lake. Expect for Niel, Nikki, and Max, who Gwen was looking for. They were probably up to trouble again.

You were sitting on the ground near the lake watching on when David swims up to you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Jump in!" David exclaimed.

"Nah. I'm good." You replied.

"Aww come on! Please?" David said while giving his best puppy dog eyes.

You almost gave in.



David gives you a cute pout and his eyes light up as he comes up with a great idea!

"Had a bit of a brain wave!" David said getting out of the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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