Stabbed (Hwan x Reader)

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Requested by @Plz_read_my_stories

Hope you like it :)

3rd Person Pov

You thought the foreign kids were interesting. You wanted to learn more about them and their cultures.

You grew particularly close to Hwan. He seemed so interesting and you and him were becoming good friends.

Speaking of... Where is he?

Suddenly as if it were a fan fiction he walked in and your heart went boom. But you noticed a stab wound in his hand. You ran over immediately.

"Hey Hwan are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He said with a stoic face. "Just that bully kid stabbed my hand."

You looked at his hand to see the stab wound. You sighed. At least there wasn't twenty eight of them.

"We should go see the counselors."

You grabbed the hand that wasn't injured as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. You both walk to the counselors cabin and you knock on the door.

"Howdy kiddos! How are you?" David said as he opened the door.

"Hwan got stabbed in the hand by Nurf!"

"Been there done that. Gwen?"


"Can you talk with Nurf while I patch up Hwan?"

You heard Gwen groan as she got up to deal with Nurf. David brought you two in and got out the second aid kit.

He applied the bandages to Hwan's hand quickly, but carefully. The next thing you know he's done.

"Ok kiddos you go on! Have fun!"

"Hope you feel better Hwan." You said then you gave him a peck on the cheek an ran off to your friends.

To bad you didn't see his red face and slight smirk.

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