Chapter 3: Old Buddy

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Your POV: 

I've been walking for a couple of seconds now; admiring the old nooks and cracks. I finally come up to him; Huggy Wuggy. I thought: "He looks the exact same since I was here last". 

Huggy's POV:

I awoke from my internal sleep when a loud racket started occurring. My fur started to warm as I looked at my new visitor. She was gorgeous. I tried to keep myself together, but I really couldn't. It was a strange feeling, love. 

Your POV: 

I went up to Huggy and hugged his leg, after all, what's the purpose of being named: "Huggy Wuggy", if you don't have anyone to hug? I started to be lifted off the ground and away from Huggy's foot. I saw a pink toy that looked almost exactly like Huggy, she just had eyelashes and she was pink (as mentioned before). She was really pretty though. "H- hi", I managed to say. She responded with a coo.

 She tilted her head and smiled. "I'm Y/N," I said. She found a piece of broken glass cut the tip of her finger and spelled "Kissy Missy".  "So, that's how you communicate with humans?" I said. She nodded. She giggled set me on Huggy's shoulder and wrote "Hang on" on the wall. 

Huggy's POV:

I still couldn't believe I had her on my back. I smiled that goofy smile my sister once had so long ago until he went missing. It really was strange. I think she might have thought it was me. Kissy never let it go through. 

I guess she wasn't that type to make people feel bad. I cooed a very distressed kind of coo. I wrote: "You might wanna avoid Poppy, she doesn't like new people around".  "Oh, really?", Y/N said, "That's quite alright!". "I'll make her like me!", Y/N exclaimed. I couldn't stop thinking of her.

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