Part 8: The Reality Strike

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Your POV:

I sat in my tub; the bubbles rising slowly. I looked down at the light red water and sulked in my feelings. I recall drinking fruit punch when I stared at it for about thirty minutes. I smile at the thought of my old life. When dad & mom were around; those were the best days. I heard quiet steps getting closer and closer. "What?!" I yelled. The steps stopped.

I dunked my head underwater. It felt fresh but tasted horrible. I heard the door creak open and the only words I heard in my were: Well, shit. I heard the door slam and an extremely tall figure behind the curtain. 

I heard a purring nose. "Uh.. hello?" I said quivering. Suddenly, a small object jumped into my bath. I pushed myself against the bath wall. I felt something on my leg...


"A cat?" I said. The cat walked around my calf for a little bit for a while before settling down. It resembled a Honey Bee. I picked it up and looked at its face. I stuck my tongue out at Bee Cat and it stuck its tongue out back at me. I chuckled.

I sensed something cold on my back...

"Another one of you?" I asked as I looked down at Bee Cat. Bee Cat started to sway; did that infer he was saying maybe? Most likely. I took them both in my arms and set them out of the bath. They exited and I shut the door, so I could get out without being seen. I then heard something clanking from the other side of the door. "What is it now?" I mumbled under my breath. The pounding started to get louder. I opened the door less than an inch and a towel came flying in.

I looked out of the door and saw a blur of green and grey racing along the hallway. I picked up the towel and wrapped it around my body.

After I had dried off, I changed into my pajamas. I needed a major break after today, with what happened to Huggy and the sudden wave of mystery toys. I got into my bed and fell asleep with ease. I drifted away into a dream...

"We're here honey! " Mom had shouted. You slept all the way here, a new record! "Do you have to go to work today Mommy?" You asked. "Yes, Y/N, I do". Mom had responded. You got out of the car and started to sprint in the direction of the toy factory. Mom made it into the building and found her way to her job (like always). The woman at the front desk took you to a theatre. You marveled at the actors and their stunts. "Look theirs Boogie Bot!" Someone had shouted in the audience. "Candy Cat, he's my favorite!" Another exclaimed. "Awe, there's Bee Cat!". They all started to do their special task on stage. A stage member had come up to you. "Wake up, Y/N..." she said. "W- what?" you asked. "Wake up, Y/N!".

A Strange Bond (Huggy Wuggy x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now