Chapter 9: Feelings in the Air

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Narrator's POV:

Waking up in an abandoned toy factory was an experience you don't get every day. Your eyesight slowly came back, along with your memories of the previous evening. Your resentment for Huggy wasn't as strong anymore, you felt concerned and weak now. Asking yourself why he did that; you came to a strange assumption: He didn't love you. But, in the darkest depths of your mind, you knew that the thought would never come to be true.

You began searching for your bag with your items from home like your clothes, your shoes, your hygiene supplies, etc. You started to hit walls and took some scars with you as well, it was weird being here and you knew it was for a fact. Suddenly, thoughts came and went like paper airplanes in a second-grade class full of kids who had just gotten off of their training wheels. The thought that caught your attention the quickest and longest was the thought of: "What would have happened if the mailman hadn't come that day?". That thought scared you the most but, why? Why did leaving a factory full of psychos scare you? If anything you should've been scared of coming here.

You started to get dizzy as your self conscious wore you down to the point where you felt like a grain of sand on a beach. You couldn't think, you couldn't breathe. The world was spinning around you like a tornado on a summer day, it wouldn't stop. You mumbled under your breath "Stop...", "Stop...". It still kept going like an endless cycle of torture and feeling alone in your body. 

The room around you started to cave in, everything was crumbling around you. Your memories, your families, your support. It all evaporated like water under a blazing sun in the middle of Florida. You started to take deep breaths in and out trying to control it as you did as a kid. You tried to reach for something but you slipped off of the bed and landed face-first onto the cold metal vents below your mattress.

You tumbled, you tripped, and you might have limped once or twice to Huggy's room. You made loud banging sounds on the walls around you as a signal for someone to come get you. You made it into Huggy's room and saw him asleep. You couldn't handle it anymore... you passed out on the metal that supported Huggy's bed. Your eyes dilated back and forth. Wishing it would all go away, you laid down on the metal for a little bit and just relaxed a little bit.


You inhaled and noticed Huggy was nowhere to be seen in the room. The flight or fight motion had ended only moments before. Your eyes had stopped moving uncontrollably and you could breathe and think properly again. You made your way through the vents hearing a tapping noise behind you. You felt something furry wrap around your waist tightly. Looking down, you noticed it was a matter of blue fluff. You heard heavy breathing getting closer and closer to you as you slowly got dragged by the blue figure. Your entire body was now surrounded by blue fluff.

Just then you caught your face getting wet and, eventually, Huggy hugged you much tighter. You caved into him and sobbed. You felt the feeling of comfort again like you felt before the incident that night. The sweet, sweet feeling of being secure with someone you love. 

 Huggy's POV:

The evening before had been a horrible mistake of mine, I had hit my love, the one, and only Y/N. I wanted to say sorry, but after my experiment, all of my vocal attributes ceased. I didn't want to put her down to get my marker. I thought of a way to end her sobs, all they did was make me remember my actions towards her. I propped her up on my leg and with my hand, I wiped her tears and stroked her nose, just like my mother used to do to me before I was this.

Her eyes shut for the third time so far and she look adorable when she was asleep. I wanted to stay in this moment forever, but no moment could. She falls asleep and I carry her into her room and cover her with a blanket. I swooped down the vents and, silently, went to the spot I had first seen Y/N. I opened one of the Huggy Wuggy boxes and headed back into Y/N's room. I put the toy between her arms, I noticed a smile widen across her lips and I finally felt ok again.


Your POV:

I woke up and as I'm about to once again go into my flight or fight reflex I yell at the top of my lungs "STOP". I heard the echo go all the way down to the Make-A-Friend area. I felt a strange piece of softness in my hand, I looked down and... Huggy?! "OMG, HUGGY, WHAT HAPPENED?!" I screamed. I started to do CPR on the doll, actually thinking that it was him. "Huggy, Huggy, NOOOOOO" I yelled. Everyone came crowding into my room and looked at me in shock. Kissy started with her silent sounding coos and eventually had cooed to Huggy inferring for him to come and see what was happening. It was only when I looked up that I realized how stupid I must have looked. A streak of sweat came tumbling down my forehead with a side of blush too. Huggy came running to see what the issue was. He looked into the space and smiled. It had turned from a nightmare to one of the best days of my life in a few minutes. Your life could indeed change in the blink of an eye.

Y/N's summary:

We spent the day lounging around watching horror movies with Poppy's annoyed expression. I was secretly glad she was pissed, she deserved to be. After all, I had found out she was the one responsible for the mishandling of myself.

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