Chapter 7: The Day it All Went Wrong

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Poppy's POV:

As the alligator tears rolled down my face I felt a feeling of pride; the feeling never went away. I started to wail and heard some thumping coming from the other rooms. I eventually catch the silhouette of a massive figure emerging from the shadows. It was my one true love; Huggy Wuggy. Huggy came running to me and nestled me into his arms. He cooed inquisitively. I told him a lie, a horrible lie.

He had an angry look on his face; I then heard him growl. He picked himself up from the ground, dropped me with a soft landing, and started sniffing out Y/N.

Your POV:

I notice some very clear steps coming down the hall, I assumed it was Poppy coming to talk, so, I just kept doing my own thing. The footsteps started to get louder and much heavier, a small doll could never make those heavy footsteps. My anxiety started to shoot through the roof, I stood up and backed away from the area where the noise was coming from. Huggy came into view, but he didn't look like his normal self. He looked distressed and sick. 

He came up to me and stood directly in front of me, then he looked down at me. With a hint of fire in his eyes; he picks me up. His teeth grow into sharp edges, and saliva starts dripping from his mouth. 

He bit my cheek and proceeded to rip the skin off of my flesh, he took the blood off into a jar. He eventually stripped some of the flesh from under my skin. I was too shocked to scream or cry... what happened? He slapped me with his cold hands; directly on my open wound as well. He dropped me with a harsh landing.

My tears start pouring out like a waterfall. I claw at his fur, ripping bits off. Pounding, yelling, screaming. He hurt me, how could I forgive him? "What did I even do?!", I ask him. He kicks me away from his leg...

I hear a cracking noise coming from Huggy's direction. I see what I thought was saliva... "Hold on," I said. That's not saliva. It's... tears?

I look up at Huggy.

His face was solid, his lips were cracked into a frown. Tears fell from his face.

He walked away...

A Strange Bond (Huggy Wuggy x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now