Mission: reach your uncle by phone (CH 7)

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Yoongi pulled out his phone after a long sigh and a shameful defeat by the small boy. He hesitated to dial the number, but Jungkook already forced him with his louder sobs. Yoongi could swear he exaggerated his sobs, so he could get Namjoon's sympathy and pity. The innocent looking small boy was a devilish genius.

"H-Hello, it's Yoongi." It was really embarrassing for him to introduce himself over and over again to Namjoon.
"Let me guess, Jungkook is crying and somehow needs me even if he just met me yesterday and can't live without the man he saw only for a few hours." Namjoon sounded annoyed. Jungkook's sobs made everything obvious to him, he got quickly the point of the sudden call.
"It sounds ridiculous, but he really is-" Yoongi's words got cut off.
"I am sad too. I lost my brother and the chance to get a date with a hot woman. Sorry, but Jungkook should get along with the new circumstances." The call ended right there.

Yoongi didn't remember that he cursed so much in his entire life, of course only inwardly, cursing next to Jungkook would be a damage of his innocent tongue.
Jungkook's sobs got quiet while he tried to study the sudden change of Yoongi's expression.
"He said, he isn't at home, he has to work." Yoongi lied through his teeth. He couldn't just recite what Namjoon told him. First of all the toddler wouldn't understand that, second, Yoongi wasn't as cruel as Namjoon.

"Oh... then tomorrow?" Jungkook murmured, his face screamed how upset he was.
"Tomorrow...I'll bring you to another place." Yoongi had to admit that it was just a loss of time to wait and to hope that one of Jungkook's relatives wants him back. One of them was afraid of his surroundings and milieu, he was more concerned about his reputation and what people would chatter about him than his grandson's future, the other one was a perfect asshole and a hopeless man, who could only watch his own back and escaped all the responsibilities.

Jungkook should at least forget them and get used to his new life and surroundings. He shouldn't waste his time and wait for something impossible to happen.
"Where?" The voice was shaky and curious at the same time, tracing the sobs he let out seconds ago.
"A place where you will meet many other kids, friends." He told him with full enthusiasm, but the boy wasn't convinced at all. He never had friends, and doesn't get what was so delightful in that.
"But tomorrow... won't uncle Namjoon be at home?" His innocent and huge eyes made Yoongi's thinnest bones soft and jelly. How could he say 'no, not for you'?
Jungkook made a little pout and Yoongi had the urge to take him into his arms and soothe him. So he did and let his head tuck under his jaws. Jungkook mumbled a few things before he slept, because Yoongi lulled him and he was tired after another crying session. He placed the kid on the little bed and laid next to him, not even noticing that he himself laid like a corpse and slept in just a few minutes.

Namjoon ended the call.

"Woah, that lawyer must be shameless. You clearly said, you don't want him and he still tries to push him to you." Hoseok tsk-ed and shook his head in disbelieve. Namjoon agreed with a head nod.
"Forget it." He swung his hand. "Snacks?" Namjoon asked and made his way into the kitchen, before Hoseok answered.
While he struggled to make popcorn and to find the bag of chips in the kitchen, his phone rang again.
"Who?" He shouted back to the living room to Hoseok.
"Don't know, just a number." He said and got Namjoon's permission to pick it up.
"Hello." He sounded uncertain since it wasn't his phone.
"Un-Uncle." He heard a sniffle and a cracking voice.
"Uhm... I am actually Ho-"
"Can you pick me up, please, I want to stay with you, pretty pleaseee." He let at the end of the sentence a loud sob or hiccup, Hoseok couldn't tell apart.
Hoseok felt some unknown feeling spreading in him.
"Who are you?"
"Jun- Jungkook." He sobbed again and Hoseok felt a tilt on his heart.
"Please uncle. I promise I will be a good boy. I want you..." His sniffle stopped his speech and Hoseok bid his lower lip, his inner feeling totally wrecked in just a few seconds. He was never confronted with something like that and it felt weirdly awful. Was that black magic?
"Y-Yeah..." He stammered as he noticed that the person, highly likely Namjoon's nephew was a helpless little baby.
"Yes?!? Okay, I'll wait. Thank you, thank you uncle. I'll wait, okay?" The boy's excitement glowed up in split seconds. The change in his voice let the tilt dissolve and Hoseok brightened up. Namjoon entered the room with bowls in each arm, one filled with popcorn and one with chips.
"Namjoon, you little crackhead, you'll get that kid here. Now!" He commanded, tossing the phone to his side.
Namjoon was perplexed. "What?" He placed the bowls on the little coffee table and watched how Hoseok's eyes filled with a different kind of rage.
"He is the cutest kid on earth and you let him alone." Hoseok hissed.
"What the hell, Hoseok?"
"What kind of fucking cruel demons did you let to get you?! You devil, you heartless asshole." He was as like he jumped out of a drama, his moves, his growl everything was on the highest level of acting. Namjoon didn't believe his eyes nor his ears. Hoseok exploded again.
"We'll go and get that child." He ordered and intended to stand up, but a hold on his wrist pulled him back to plop on the couch again.
"What happened to you?" He asked.
"That boy, Jungkook... oh my god so cute... he called and bawled at the other side of the phone and asked in the most adorable way to stay with you." Hoseok told him dramatically.
"Oh, that lawyer has cheap tricks, he literally let Jungkook call me to persuade me with using my mercy."
"But you are not a merciful person, fucker." Hoseok bickered.
"We will do nothing. Forget it. He is a kid, he'll forget sooner or later about me and my whole existence."
"If a slut would call you, you would just sprint over there, right?" Hoseok made eyes of hatred towards his friend, Namjoon was actually terrified. It was also not a lie that he would do what Hoseok said. He would fly over there, if he could, because he never says no to one-night-stands. He only shrugged with one of his shoulders and put the popcorn bowl on his laps, after sitting down unfazed.
"Fine, I would never think, I'll do that, but I have her number and will only give it to you, when you stand up and get that angel." Hoseok put his own cards to the game. The only way to persuade Namjoon was to show him that he had benefits. 
"Shut up, Hoseok, you didn't even see him, how do you know how cute he- wait- whose number?" The information only dropped now into his mind. Hoseok had that certain cheeky and challenging grin on his face.
"The hot chick." He hummed. "I wanted to keep it for myself and try my chance, but she actually gave me her number for you." He confessed. Namjoon let the bowl to his side and wanted to jump on Hoseok and choke him.
"You traitor." He fumed.
"Whatever. You want it? You bring the kid." The rule was simple. The steps to that phone number was easy.
Namjoon gave up on the plan of killing his best friend and stood up, cursing under his breath and making his path over to his jacket and shoes. Hoseok followed him right behind.

Namjoon knocked on the door. He knew that Jungkook was in Yoongi's house and Yoongi gave him his business card, so he found the address easily. 
He could swear he wasn't as excited and eager as Hoseok. He never sensed Hoseok's inner love towards kids, what he found very ridiculous by the way. 
"Yoongi hyung." A very familiar voice cheered from inside the house. They heard steps and a few seconds later the door swung open only to show a pair of sleepy eyes, which widened as he saw the familiar face.
"N-Namjoon." Yoongi stuttered, but still in a sleepy voice.
"Uncle~" The boy chirped and bounced to Namjoon's side, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's leg and burying his face into his thigh.
"Oh my~ He is even cuter than I imagined." Hoseok kneeled down with sparkling eyes and stroke the soft hair with his fingertips. He looked like he touched a fragile object and if he would be just one bit rougher, he could broke it.
Jungkook looked over his shoulder to the stranger. He looked timid and scared at first sight, clinching more to Namjoon.
"I am here to pick him up. You can take him back tomorrow. Please give me this time whatever we need: diapers, baby food etcetera." He said in annoyed face. Yoongi stared still confused, but nodded anyways. Seemed like Jungkook somehow reached to Namjoon while he was sleeping.
"I got everything, uncle." Jungkook yelled and ran into the house only to appear with his yellow backpack and he sprinted over to the car, he guessed it belonged to Namjoon.
"Don't you thing that this was cheap?" Namjoon couldn't do other than letting it go.
"You know exactly what I mean. You just can't let Jungkook use his crying and let him believe that's what makes him powerful. He shouldn't get used to that." Namjoon crossed his arms.
"Wait, I just slept and you appeared out of nowhere. I don't know what you are talking about." Yoongi really didn't have a clue about what Namjoon blabbered. The only thing he remembered was Jungkook sleeping next to him.
"Jungkook called Namjoon, I think with your phone." Hoseok gave a hint and Yoongi's eyes widened again.
"This kid is unbelievable. I am the one who was tricked. He pretended as if he was asleep and then used my phone without my notice." He declared and watched how Hoseok burst into laughter and clapped into his hands.
"Genius." He choked it out and let tears run. One thing was sure as death for Namjoon: Jungkook will entertain his best friend, Hoseok.

On the ride home, Jungkook was on cloud nine. If he had the urge to say something, either he hummed or chirped. Hoseok loved the boy with his most sincere feelings, he monkeyed around to get a closer bond with Jungkook, because he knew that kids loved funny people. 
Soon Jungkook felt  almost as comfortable as he was with Namjoon next to Hoseok.
"Hey, Namjoon, you should use your bike rather than your car up to now." Hoseok began.
"Why?" Namjoon asked, though he was fully focused on the road.
"You have a kid at the backseats. I hope you want him in one piece." He joked and giggled. 
Namjoon grunted, he knew how bad his driving skills were, but not as bad as mentioned. 

"No need to worry. Jungkook won't be that often in my car. Right, Jungkook? Tonight is the last time?" He questioned to make it clear. Then silence. Jungkook left that question hang on the air, he didn't want to promise something he won't do. Or simply... a three year old kid won't keep up with your conversation.

"Right?" Namjoon was also a stubborn person. It must be in the blood of the family. He attempted to ask again.
"Whatever. Jungkook needs to sleep." Hoseok interrupted him and looked over his shoulder at Jungkook, giving him a cute wink and the boy returned the wink with a clownish expression, trying to make a wink too.


"Now I get what you promised." Namjoon stretched his hand to Hoseok as soonas he closed the door, after checking up if Jungkook slept and had a diaper on.
"Okay, okay, fine, here." He put his phone out and let Namjoon copy the number.He also made sure that Hoseok deleted the number, because this was his date now.
"Will you call her?" Hoseok asked.
"Sure. And I will do it right now." He said and smirked, wailing over to hislittle library to have free space.

Namjoon already had plans for the next day. Getting rid of Jungkook stood first on his list. Later he booked a nice place with great view for two at a restaurant he liked. The taste of tomorrow's plans already lingered on his tongue.

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