What is a guardian? (CH 1)

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A/N.: TW // this story (some chapters) contains slight references to death and loss
But I promise it is generally a friendly story

"Hello," The half-naked man spoke into his phone, voice hoarse with sleep. Straightening himself up on his bed, Namjoon rubbed his eyes and forehead. The lingering ache from his hangover is still evident.

"Hello, I am Min Yoongi, Mr. Kim's lawyer." The stranger on the other side of the call introduced himself.

Namjoon struggling to catch up on the words being said, as his head throbbed even more. Before answering, he propped his body up with his elbows on the pillows behind him, trying to remember what was just said to him.

"Hmmhh... Kim, what?" He mumbles, eyes half open, his head falling to his left shoulder. Not really into the conversation that was happening.

"Kim Jackson." Min Yoongi replied, and Namjoon's eyes widened with the mention of that name.

It had been a long time since he heard any words concerning his brother. He remembered seeing him and his wife at their father's funeral, but that was years ago. They hadn't kept in touch and lost all connection. But they never were close in the first place.

From that day, all he could just recall was that Jackson's wife was pregnant at that time. And after continuous pleadings from his brother's wife, he said he would be sure to pass by and visit his first and only nephew. Yet, even that didn't work out after he heard that his wife passed away, right after giving birth to her son. Adding to the list of reasons that backed up one question circling in Namjoon's head: Why was his family so tragic?

He hated being caught up in those depressing times, and the thought of facing people who only agonized him made him livid. He hated being in places where the only vibe he felt was tasteless and cold.

So, to spare himself the consuming fear of those dark moments, he just sent short messages to his brother. Expressing how sorry he was for his loss, and in return, receiving a reply just as short as his own.

Now, with his name popping out of nowhere, he was curious to find out why.

"What about him," Namjoon questions, waiting for Yoongi to continue on.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but a few days ago, Mr. Kim Jackson was involved in an accident. Crashing his car into the side of a building, dying on the scene before any help could reach to him. Mr. Kim Namjoon, I am sorry for your loss." The words hit hard, like heavy stones tumbling down on his chest.

He felt his breath began to quicken as all the new information begins to settle in. Jackson was the last of his family that he had. And as much as they didn't show it, they actually did care about each other. He knew that no matter what, his brother would be there. Now it's all been taken away from him in just seconds.

Since Namjoon couldn't say anything, it was silent for a moment, but what could he say? Min Yoongi decided to carry on with his information.

"The funeral will be held tomorrow morning, to which I will send you an email about all the information for it. But, Mr. Kim Namjoon, there is one thing that I need to make clear, and I really need you to pay attention to what I'm about to say." The newly saddened voice made its way to Namjoon's ears, drawing his attention a little more.

"Ye-yeah?" Namjoon stutters, his mind still racing, yet he still managed to pay attention to what the lawyer had to say next.

"Your nephew, he's going to need a guardian, and you're all he has left. If you decide against being his legal guardian, I would have to take care of the paperwork, and he'll end up in an orphanage." The lawyer informs, causing Namjoon to perk up a bit.

Oh right.

There was still one more person he could call family. His nephew.

He was a little disappointed in himself for forgetting about him, but he couldn't blame himself. As he had never actually gone to see him. It's kind of hard to remember someone you've never even met.

He found himself so distracted from the first half of the news, that he almost forgot what the lawyer had just said at the end.

A guardian? Did he mean as a caretaker? As in replacement for his father? He was supposed to step in and take care of another person and yet, he could barely take care of himself.

"What is a guardian? Wh-what do you mean by that?" Namjoon questioned, sitting up straight now, legs hanging over the edge of the bed. The feeling of anxiety coursing throughout his body.

"You would be a custodian or a caretaker for the little boy." The information was just as Namjoon had predicted it to be.

He would have laughed at the situation if it had been socially acceptable to laugh. I mean, he just found out his brother passed away and now he had to take care of his nephew? How would one normally handle this situation?

He just couldn't find a way to picture himself being caretaker for his nephew, and his current hangover was just another reason added.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. I wish my brother's son the best of luck in his life, but this just isn't something I could do." Namjoon states, voice monotone as he struggled to figure out his emotions.

"Luck is what he truly needs." The lawyer replies, and Namjoon couldn't figure out if he heard a slight growl in his words or not. But, like how he handled most situations, he decided to just ignore it.

The lawyer could think whatever he wants of him. But Namjoon was a hundred percent sure that he was not in a place to be able to take care of a kid. He and his single ass were way too smug in the lifestyle he was in to get new tasks added to his daily life.

"I'm sorry, but I just don't think I'm capable of looking after a child. I mean, I'd still like to meet him, but I just can't raise him." He explains once again, hoping his words were enough to declare his non-interest in that job.

He just hoped that the lawyer, who's voice grew cold, wouldn't attempt to persuade him. He knew damn well he couldn't take it at the moment.

Fortunately for him, he didn't try, but he his tone caused guilt to slowly engulf him.

"Since Mr. Jackson doesn't have any other relatives beside you, I just had to make sure you knew about the situation. Now I'll have to fill out the orphanage registrations for Jungkook." The voice still cold, his tone filled with sorrow.

"Jungkook..." Namjoon repeated after him, his voice a whisper. Noticing he never actually knew his nephew's name. Heck, he didn't even know what he looked like.

He noticed that he really did suck as not only a brother, but as an uncle too. He was everything but a caring man. Entitled and self-absorbed.

The phone call ended after Min Yoongi said he would send an email later today about when and where the funeral was taking place.

Namjoon threw his phone aside and stared blankly at the wall, having to finally face the truth.

He didn't have a brother anymore. 

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