A great loss (CH 9)

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"I don't want to stay here." Jungkook observed his surroundings and decided he didn't want to be left there by Yoongi. He was in a room in which colorful beds were next to each other, four to be precisely. The walls were painted in vivid yellow. Between the beds were little cupboards and a door led them into their bathroom, which was as colorful as the room itself and very child friendly. It looked nice, but Jungkook felt already lonely there, though even if Yoongi was still next to him.
"Jungkook, here are kids and nice teachers and nice toys and nice-"
"Where is uncle?" He asked with glazed eyes, voice getting weaker by each second passing by.
"I promise you that he will visit you." Yoongi hoped Namjoon would do that at least.
Jungkook shook his head, his coconut colored hair was flipping over his forehead.
Yoongi tried to persuade the kid for more than twenty minutes, at the end he had to leave even when Jungkook didn't fully agree with this kind of change in his life.
It was heartbreaking, but Yoongi did not see a point in pushing Namjoon or waiting any longer. The poor kid was fully registered into the most common orphanage facility 'The Silver Oak House'. They were famous with giving a good education to kids and preparing them finely for their future.
Yoongi hoped that Jungkook could find his happiness in between those walls at least. As soon as he left the room, a nurse took Jungkook to do his check ups and to write his height and weight on his bed, which was apparently a rule for every new kid to follow. 

Yoongi got inside his car with a broken heart, not aware of the havoc he left behind. Jungkook didn't let any nurse nor an adult get closer to him, he hollered at the top of his lungs., searching for his uncle. 


"Hoseok! Please... come please to my house!!" That was the voice mail Hoseok got by Namjoon at 8 AM. Hoseok didn't give a second thought, before leaving his own apartment and rushing over to his friend. Namjoon seldomly called him in a hurry.

He reached to his friend in no time, he covered the thirty minutes distance in just twenty minutes. He slid easily inside with the spare key Namoon borrowed him for his house. 
"Namjoon?! What happened?" He asked after he searched Namjoon in every room and found him finally in his bedroom on the floor. He wore boxers and a half unbuttoned white shirt. Hoseok rushed over to him, supporting to let him sit properly on the floor.
Namjoon had an unreadable face, looking blankly as if he just saw a ghost. It made Hoseok worry a lot, he didn't see Namjoon so miserably at all.
After the seventh question bombarded by Hoseok, he finally opened his mouth to speak. "I am dead." He said shortly and reunited the lips again. His chin trembled and he got shiny eyes from tears. Soon, his whole body trembled and he tucked his knees under his jaws, arms wrapped around them.
"Namjoon! Calm down, dude. Tell me what's wrong!" Hoseok said with certainty and furrowed his brows. Maybe it is something what they could solve together.
"T-The b-bitch..." He stuttered, his words were not audible. Hoseok was about to slap him to let him come to his senses, but Namjoon snapped out of the trance by himself.
"Hoseok!! I am fucked up!" He croaked.
"Okay, okay, wait.. tell me everything one by one." Hoseok sat down next to him on the floor, both facing each other. Namjoon took a deep and a long breath, then started.
"Do you remember the woman, in the club, with the phone number you offered me?" Hoseok nodded, he remembered her very well.
"She...urghh.. . she swindled. She tricked me... fuck...fuck..." Namjoon hit the floor with his palms. "Two days ago, Jungkook made a fuss while she was here and I wanted to apologize, so I, the most stupid human on earth, called her and asked her out for a date night. I brought her to the shopping mall since she insisted and bought her stuff... clothes... I don't even know!" He hit the floor with his heels this time. "And all that with my credit card and I told her my code, because in one shop there were so many people around and I wanted to wait outside. She...fucking bitch..." Namjoon greeted his teeth. Hoseok could slowly put the puzzle pieces of the end of the story together by himself, but didn't say a word, he wanted to listen to all of it.
"Whatever... we came home and made out and had sex, but she disappeared today morning... with my credit card! And I got an email a few hours ago, I am in debt, Hoseok." He lifted his chin and looked terrified.
"I am in countless debts. I couldn't even read the long number. My bank closed my credit card temporarily, but the money needs to be paid anyways. BY ME OF COURSE!" He said with horrible expression. Hoseok gasped loudly, his friend got tricked like never before. "This is a different sort of shit." Namjoon nodded hastily.
"Yeah, then get up, call the police, accuse her for being a fraud!" Hoseok suggested and wanted to get up, but popped again on the floor when Namjoon pulled him back on his wrist.
"This bitch left a voice mail behind, a self deleting fucking voice mail, Hoseok, everything was planned... She meant she has fake ID's where she can show that she is still underaged and if I try to call the cops I'll bring myself in trouble, I'll bring my fucking ass into trouble... shit!" Namjoon clenched his fists.
"What the hell?!" Hoseok gasped. "I swear... this bitch..." He could not really grasp how this woman planned every step beforehand and lied into their faces. 
"She told me she is twenty-three, but the voice mail says she can be seventeen too, if she wants. Fuck...Shit...Oh my dumb ass." Namjoon whined.
"Namjoon you are at the worst loss, my friend." Hoseok felt pity for him. Namjoon never looked that helpless and trapped in a bottomless hole.
"She even stole my car, MY car! I can't find my fucking car keys. She even took my wrecked, old and ugly car with herself." He rubbed his forehead, wondering if anything can go that wrong in his life ever again. 
"Shameless." Hoseok muttered.
"Hobi... I am dead." He leaned his forehead on the ground and whined loudly, fisting the floor underneath him. 
"Namjoon, you are in a blind street." Hoseok agreed.
"Urghh... I swear she told me she was twenty-three. I swear she looked around my house the whole time to see if there was something valuable to take. I swear I am so dumb, DUMB!"

There was a long silence. Hoseok let Namjoon take deep breath and supported him with a comforting rub on his back, while Namjoon was still facing the floor and being broken. Minutes passed in silence until Hoseok cleared his throat and started to speak again. 

"So you are in debts right now?" Hoseok's spoke in a different way now, as if he knew another plan.
Namjoon only nodded, his forehead sweeping the floor, not caring to get up and to look at Hoseok now.
"You can't pay that much money, you are sure, right?"
"Not in a million years." Namjoon mumbled against the cool floor.
"And right now you would accept every request and wouldn't turn down any opportunity, if you could have the chance to pay that, true?"
Namjoon nodded again with an audible sigh. It was already a big wound and he wondered why Hoseok had to summarize it now.
"Namjoon, you probably don't appreciate me enough, but your genius friend got a wonderful idea. Listen, it sounds horrible or ugly or not correct, but it's the only chance for you to get rid of your accidental debts and get a new car even." He began, getting Namjoon's full attention. Namjoon just prayed inwardly that Hoseok didn't try to be funny or to joke at this moment, because then he would choke him and his life could be even worse with a lifelong imprisonment. 

"Do you remember the old man's request, Jungkook's grandfather?" Hoseok put forward and Namjoon's eyes got twice as big than the usual size.
"T-This sounds... perfect, beautiful, correct, the only correct thing, the only best solution. Oh my... Oh my god, Hoseok, you fucking genius. You...  BLESS YOU!" Namjoon jumped with an embrace on Hoseok, both rolling on the floor and sharing a loud chuckle.
Suddenly, Namjoon's chuckle died down. "But... I have to live with Jungkook then... for... maybe my whole life." He pursed his lips.
"Hey, Hey dumbass! Do you want to live in debts for your whole life rather than with Jungkook? Then suffer you idiot." He warned him and Namjoon nodded quickly. He will do that, definitely, he will take Jungkook and the promised endless money. All he had to do was to call the lawyer with a face of steel and say he wants Jungkook. He knew he didn't have to persuade Jungkook at all, the boy was ready since forever. 


"Why out of sudden?" The lawyer suspected the change in Namjoon's opinion at one heat. Namjoon tried now for ten minutes to tell him that he wants to be a better uncle and wants to take care of the last member of his family, but Yoongi wasn't a gullible man, who you can trick so easily. He asked over and over again why Namjoon came to this decision out of sudden. The answer was always the same 'because I want it now'. Yoongi knew that there was something what he totally missed, but he kept quiet and knew that Jungkook would be the happiest person on earth. Yoongi still couldn't shake the huge and pleading pair of eyes out of his mind. He wanted to see them sparkle again out of happiness.
Sometimes you keep silent for the sake of someone else, sometimes you turn a blind eye for someone's happiness. That's what Yoongi will do too, he quickly called the orphanage and informed them, making sure that Jungkook's uncle will pick him up as his new guardian. 

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