Happy Birthday! (CH 19)

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Wanted to wish a genuine Happy Birthday to Jungkook & Namjoon with this chapter!! :D

I also wanted to mention that there are a few of you guys, who are very loyal to this story, so I always keep thinking of you when my motivation drags and push myself to finish the story in the best way possible 😊 Your support and questioning about the date of the next update means a lot to me! 🥰

Everyone always has ongoing worries or plans in their lives, and Namjoon was no exception. However, his current issue involved not only himself but also Jungkook and everyone else. Yoongi had finally recovered from his pitiful cold and informed Namjoon that he could attend Jungkook's birthday party. Yet, he dropped the bombshell that he would be gone on a ten-day business trip the following week. The timing couldn't have been worse, as Yoongi chose to reveal this news on a Friday evening, leaving Namjoon with only a very small time slot for party preparations.

He went through his notes for the last time:

- Decorations

- Invitations ✓

- Cake?

- Presents ✓

- Cleaning

- Grocery shopping ✓

Half of the tasks had been neatly completed, but the other half was equally important too. As he was mopping the bathroom floors, it suddenly struck him that he had barely spoken to Seokjin since he had asked him to take charge of baking the cake.


Hoseok whistled his way through the aisles in a toy shop, each one packed with colorful toys.  Initially, he reached for a plushie, but then remembered how he filled up Jungkook's room with plushies already, because each time he visited him he brought one along. Nevertheless, Jungkook also refused to hold any plushie besides his beloved pink bunny. Next, he considered the small cars but scrunched his nose, recalling how Namjoon wasn't a fan of those and always complained about accidentally stepping on them.

He paced back and forth through the aisle until he spotted a very familiar face. Although the shop wasn't buzzing with customers, there were still a bunch of people that tried to pick up a toy for their child, he wondered how he even caught the sight of that face. The most unexpected thing that could happen to him on a Saturday morning was to see the man who had occupied his thoughts the entire week.

Had he somehow manifested this encounter by thinking about him all day?What should he do now? Should he hide or greet Yoongi in a very polite way? Why should he even hide? Were they close enough for a small talk? What was he supposed to say after the initial greeting? Would he be able to hold a conversation with the lawyer? So many questions swirled in his mind as he stood there, letting the thoughts take over his body.Maybe luck was really on his side today. The man saw Hoseok from afar and couldn't ignore his glare, he spoke to Hoseok first. 

"Oh, you-" Yoongi stood before him, pushing a shopping cart that was filled with different toys. Hoseok knew who was meant to receive all those toys.
"Hey!" He didn't intend to say it that loud, but at least Yoongi's presence put an end to his endless dilemma.
"Hi, are you also invited to Jungkook's birthday party?" Yoongi cut right to the chase, and it seemed that he didn't quite appreciate it when Hoseok nodded enthusiastically with a wide, albeit somewhat foolish smile.
"I see." Yoongi forced a smile, not entirely pleased with the response. It meant he would have to share Jungkook's attention and affection once more, if... this man would not attempt to steal all of it again of course. 

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