"Too small for two..." (CH 5)

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"Good morning." Jungkook bumped into the kitchen, still sleepy but having the strength to squeal loudly. Namjoon was startled by the voice, but he turned his head to say a 'good morning', not as loud as Jungkook's 'good morning', but still louder than he would do usually. He felt a little bit dumb and naive to be just as like as the child and to act so childish, but Jungkook's giggle made him feel great.
The boy rubbed his eyes and approached Namjoon. He watched him carefully, his eyes followed his every step, so that Namjoon felt almost uncomfortable from being observed. He watched how his uncle walked in the little space between the table and kitchen counter only to put the plates for breakfast on the small wooden table. Jungkook was in his new clothes, the half of the buttons on his shirt were buttoned in a messy order, so Namjoon kneeled down and did it him properly.
"Is that your house?" Jungkook asked.
"Mhm." Namjoon nodded.
"Oh, it is so small." The boy looked disappointed. It seemed that he was on a small exhibition before entering the kitchen. He probably visited every room and fed his curiosity. 

Namjoon's house wasn't actually small, especially not for one person. He had two bedrooms, which one of them he turned into a library and loved the cozy time there. He almost slept in that room more than his real bedroom. Plus bathroom, kitchen and a living room, all in acceptable sizes, so it was actually too big for Namjoon only. He could imagine that Jungkook compared his house with the mansion he lived in. So, compared to that giant house, in a size of a small village almost, yes, his house was tiny.

"Yup, too small for two people. Therefore I like to live alone." Namjoon hoped that Jungkook got the message, but the kid didn't get the point at all. All his focus was on the table, Namjoon didn't saw him drooling, but he saw the hungry eyes, patiently waiting of Namjoon to say 'dig in'. So Namjoon did and Jungkook ate like a machine, causing Namjoon to chuckle.
"Slow down, young man." He joked. Jungkook didn't even hear that as he shoved the cereal into his mouth. 

After breakfast, Jungkook wanted to help Namjoon, but ended up playing with the cooking timer, a small timer in shape of an egg, it helped Namjoon when he wanted to cook and wanted to eat what he cooked before it burned.
The timer was set up over and over again by Jungkook. The shrill noise caused by it drove Namjoon crazy, but Jungkook let screams of joy out. Namjoon bit his lower lip and waited patiently of Yoongi's promised call. He meant he would pick him up as soon as he had time. 

At the end Namjoon snatched the egg out of Jungkook's hand and offered him to play with something else, but at the question which kind of toys he had beside of the loud egg, he couldn't answer. Hell, he didn't have any toys in his house which a kid would play with.
He remembered the yellow backpack, maybe there was something he could find. As he lifted it up and put it on the couch to open and searched, Jungkook shrieked and stopped him.
"NO!" He wrapped the bag with his body.
"W-Why?" Namjoon asked confused.
"Just no." The kid looked terrified.
"Okay, then not. Take a chill pill, man." Namjoon said casually, pressing the urge of looking into that bag.
"I want to play with you then." Jungkook pointed on his uncle. The man sighed, he wanted that Yoongi could appear and save him, but fine, he could play a last game with Jungkook, and give him a nice memory for the rest of his life. Maybe after twenty years or later, Jungkook would come and remind him how nice it was that he played with him back then.
He plopped his butt next to Jungkook on the white couch.
"What will we play?"
"Uhm..." The kid scratched his head. "I spy with my eye." The kid burst and his doe eyes sparkled.
"Really? You know that?" Namjoon wondered. It was an old game and most of the children won't play it anymore.
"Yeah, daddy and I played it so often." He chirped. 

The rules were simple, you have to spot an object, to be precisely the color of the object and the other gamers have to spell all the objects in that color till they find the original object. But, they had a slight problem, Namjoon's living room wasn't that colorful, it was decorated white and black with green and brown ornaments. The last place, where you could play that game. So Namjoon scooped the boy up and carried him to the personal library. The boy gasped as he saw a wall full of shelves with dozens of books.

"Woah, did you read all of them?" He made big eyes.
"Mhm, most of them." He admitted. The boy leaned forward to place a peck on Namjoon's nose.
"You are clever." He stated. In Namjoon's opinion, reading didn't make someone clever, but it was a nice compliment. Reading was his favourite occupation, so he liked the compliment. 
The peck was almost a wet kiss and let a drool behind on the nose tip, but Namjoon loved that attention and appreciation he got. Then someone knocked on the door, he let the kid down to his own feet. Namjoon prayed that it should be Yoongi. Yeah, he quite liked Jungkook and the way Jungkook adored him, but he was still on the decision to let him go, not down! Just go.

Indeed, it was Yoongi, giving an eye smile as soon as the door opened.
"Hello Mr. Kim." He greeted him and Namjoon just gave him a quick nod, too relieved that his savior arrived. 
"How was Jungkook? A nice kid?" He asked in exaggerated loud tone, so Jungkook would hear it too.
"Yeah, he was a nice kid." Namjoon praised his nephew and watched how Jungkook followed their voices. 

He handled Yoongi the backpack and sent Jungkook after a hug and got his third kiss, this time on his left cheek. (No, Namjoon didn't count them *cough*)
"I forgot to tell you that he didn't wear his diaper. He is still in his potty training phase and very successful even , but he has to wear a diaper over night. I hope he mentioned it." Yoongi said. Namjoon frowned, because he never heard any of that potty-diaper story. He was inwardly cursing at the lawyer, because it was bold of Yoongi to believe that a toddler would remember to wear his diapers. 
He almost thought that it was by intention... almost... because Yoongi didn't hide his sly smirk when Namjoon looked confused.

After he let Yoongi go, he rushed into his bedroom and checked up... his bedsheet was wet... he sighed and accepted that as his last gift by Jungkook. Since he slept on the couch that night as if Jungkook was a grown up man, he didn't notice it. Yet he was glad that he didn't sleep there, because the wetness on the bed was better than on his skin, he thought. 

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