Buddy Hoseok (CH 6)

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A/N: This chapter needs a lot of recovery, but for now... this is it...

"Jungkookie, did you show Namjoon your drawings?" Yoongi questioned, staring at him over the reflection of the car's mirror.
Jungkook shook his head, he was at the backseats and his whole focus was on the outside of the car.
"Why not?" Yoongi asked, he just saw the day before how hastily Jungkook draw something for Namjoon in case he would see him, so he could show him. But what Yoongi didn't know was that those drawing weren't kind things. Jungkook was so offended, after Namjoon yelled at him that he tried to draw him as a monstrous swine with big ugly horns. He would never ever show his drawing to his uncle, not when he only wanted his love and not his hate.
It was just some drawings out of anger, he wouldn't draw his uncle with a pig nose and with devil's horns for sure.
"Jungkook... did your dad really say you should stay with Namjoon?" Yoongi asked carefully as he eyed Jungkook through the mirror of the car. The boy snatched his gaze from the window to Yoongi, he nodded violently, hair bouncing up and down.
"When was that, do you remember?" He asked slowly. He wanted to know it so badly, because, it wasn't a useful info for him, if it wasn't recent.
"Oh..." Jungkook tapped on his chin, pupils raised to the top and he hummed as he started to think when it was. "I think, it was on my birthday." He blurted out.
Yoongi nodded satisfied, it was six months since the little boy was three years old and that was recent enough for Yoongi.
"Did daddy tell you some other things too?" Yoongi inquired. He would like to hear if there was something he missed. He drove the car in a very low speed since he only searched after a parking lot near to his home. During the process of the orphanage register he decided to keep Jungkook with himself. He wasn't family to him, but neither a stranger and since Jungkook was comfortable next to him, he allowed himself to do so. 

The registration wasn't actually a long procedure, it would take him only a few hours to do that, it would... if only he would, but he still didn't send the documents for the registration. He felt like he had to wait. He just hoped that either Jungkook's grandparents or his uncle would change their mind. He didn't know if it was just petty and hopeless to let Jungkook wait, but he wanted to try and give it a chance. He remembered the conversation between him and Jackson, he actually never get it out of his mind. It was when Jackson said he would like to send Jungkook to a better place where he can communicate with other kids. Since he was working all the time, Jungkook was lonely in the big house and waited till his father returned home just like a lost puppy. Every day he would be perfectly groomed by different maids and babysitters, so there would be no difference if he would stay in a boarding school, where he could have friends around, but Jackson wanted to keep him close, he wanted to show his love and care. So a boarding school was not an option. Back then he asked Yoongi, if he would give his best to make sure Jungkook got love and care when he wasn't available one day. He remembered that he certainly assured him that.

There was finally a parking spot, with a few minutes' walk to Yoongi's apartment. He took Jungkook's hand and guided him to his home. Jungkook's small steps let him slow down and he counted with more than just a few minutes to his apartment.
"Daddy once said..." Jungkook shouted, startling Yoongi. He remembered what his father told him at a time when Yoongi wasn't available. He thought it was important to spell that, so he did. "He said I have the most beautiful eyes." He smiled brightly and with a growing pride.
"Oh right, that's true." Yoongi chuckled.


"Kim. Fucking. Namjoon!!!" The door banged from a punching fist. Namjoon flinched at that and ran there to see who the vulgar man was. Who else could it be than his buddy, Hoseok?
"What the hell man?" He made a grimace.
"You fucker, you said we'll meet at the regular place. Where were you?" He hissed. Right, he totally forgot that, two days ago he just said to his friend they would meet again, but after the call from Jackson's lawyer and the whole story with his nephew, he was wrecked and that slipped under his mind. He surely had a very good excuse and Hoseok had to listen to the story.
"Come in, there is a bunch of things you have to listen." He opened the door properly and Hoseok walked in. He didn't miss the chance to dig his elbow into Namjoon's rips, while he passed next to him. His friend winced at that move, but didn't reply as him. 


"What the fricking hell?!" Hoseok gasped loudly. His eyelids fluttered open with every new detail and at the end he let his jaws drop and looked with huge eyes blankly at Namjoon. 

There was a long silence... not really uncomfortable, but Namjoon looked at Hoseok to read his reactions out. The other man was just silent for a minute, realizing how his friend could be rich over one night, but didn't take the money. Then he realized that Namjoon was an uncle, then he realized someone basically trusted Namjoon to let him take care of a child.

Namjoon sensed Hoseok's next move, but was too late to warn and Hoseok did as expected.
"UNCLE NAMJOOON!" He screamed, abusing Namjoon's eardrums and jerked with his butt up and down on his spot on the couch. He pinched on Namjoon's cheek and squeezed it as if it was a stress ball. Namjoon yelped and pushed his hand back.
"You know what, it is so funny... they really trusted you." Hoseok let a laugh out, letting it echoing on the walls. "I mean I wouldn't even trust you my puppy." Both snorted.
"Even my closest neighbor doesn't let his kids at my house for only a few hours." Namjoon remembered, Seokjin, his neighbor now for three and a half years. He travelled from door to door in the whole neighborhood to find someone kind enough, who would look after his twins when he had a sudden meeting. But he never knocked on the door next to him to ask for help. He was obviously reluctant to let his children with a weird guy as Namjoon. Not that Namjoon was hurt, but it was somehow insulting that he asked everyone beside of him to take care of the kids. He wasn't the most trustworthy person on earth, he knew that, but he was also not a psycho who would hurt his kids or something. The worst case scenario was that they learnt a few bad words, but in Namjoon's opinion that wasn't even that bad, because they could use them during fights or argues and top the opponent. Whatever, his mind wasn't actually busy with the single father and his twins. He thought more about Jungkook.
"I feel sorry for the little guy, he deserves better." He told with a hint of being upset. Hoseok tilted his head and glared, raising an eyebrow.
"No, really. He is a cute kid, he should live his life in better conditions." Namjoon mumbled.
"Ahh, Namjoon, stop pretending as if he was in a bad situation. His father let him a whole fortune behind. He is one of the luckiest kids out there." Hoseok rolled his eyes and leaned back. "... living alone isn't a nice thing." Namjoon exhaled unhappily, showing Hoseok his ignorance.
"Well you can take him and keep him." Hoseok mocked.
"Whatever... and did you went to the club?" Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows, Hoseok quickly jerked forward and turned his gaze to Namjoon. The mood changed as fast as the topic.

"Yup and that hot chick was there too. She asked about you." Hoseok grinned widely, he got all the attention yet, more than he needed. 

"Then I told her that you aren't someone who visits clubs all the time. You know... innocent type is nowadays a phenomenon." Hoseok winked playfully and Namjoon got excited about that. He was glad that someone got his back.
"And?" He wondered.
"Duh, I am pretty sure she was interested in you, but my friend, a wanker, didn't show up and that without an excuse." Hoseok changed the way he spoke and swatted his friend again.
"He missed the chance to make his way and also the chance to be rich as fuck. Don't you feel like a loser?" He grumped, he was still not over the fact that Namjoon pushed all the money and the best offer ever away, just because he was too lazy to get a kid into his house.
"Fuck off." Namjoon rolled his eyes.


"Jungkook,we talked about that." Yoongi took a long breathe and collected all of his patience in front of the weeping Jungkook. He kneeled next to him.
"B-But I want to go. D-Dad said I can stay with uncle." He wiped his wet cheeks with his sleeves.
"Yeah, but we also have to take your uncle's permission. We cannot just visit him whenever we want to." He told him in soothing voice, which didn't help at all. The boy shook his head vehemently, blocking all the attempts of calming him down. "C-Call him, t-tell him I want to visit him. H-He won't say no." Jungkook told him through sobs. Yoongi wished that Namjoon was a man of sympathy. He wished Namjoon would be a person like Jungkook imagined and wanted it. He could imagine how the man would snarl at him for bringing Jungkook daily to his house.
"No, your uncle needs also a bit rest. Let him be-"
"Nooo..." The boy sniffled nonstop. He wouldn't accept any explanation, and that was obvious. Yoongi was not sure... he didn't want to give in... he wished... he wouldn't...

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