A Hero (CH 12)

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A/N: Heyy  :) I actually planned to write a special New Year Eve chapter, but I got infected by Covid19 and could barely even write :(
BUT... *exciting drumrolls* let me know in the comments if you would like to have a special chapter in future and I'll see what I can do for the next opportunity ;)

Namjoon put on his shoes and watched with an amused face how Jungkook struggled to get his shoes on. Namjoon didn't necessarily help him, especially those moments were heavenly enjoyable. Jungkook was distracted with a task and Namjoon could chat with his friends or go through his social media.
It was Tuesday and he promised Jungkook's grandfather to drop the toddler by, because apparently their yearning for their grandchild grew out. Namjoon had zero motivation to do so, but Jungkook heard how Namjoon talked on the phone with his grandfather and didn't stop asking for him since then. Giving in to the toddler, he made himself ready for the day.

Their way to Jungkook's grandparents was not long, Namjoon even refused to use his brand-new car. But walking with Jungkook was challenging. It required a lot of patience and steadiness. He walked like a cub who just learned how to walk. The toddler was uncoordinated and made many bee-lines, allowing little details to take his attention. Butterflies, bees, birds, dogs and cars... you would almost say he was a puppy, who just discovered that the world was a bigger place than he thought.

Their biggest obstacle were the brown snails, which they found on a street side. They watched the little snails moving on a wall for ten minutes and Namjoon's patience got stabbed at some point. He had to snatch Jungkook and had to lie to him that they were poisonous, when Jungkook dared to raise his fingers to touch them. Kids were so easy to fool.

Another obstacle was Seokjin and his kids again. Well, they were not exactly an obstacle, but definitely a big distraction to Jungkook AND Namjoon. After their last conversation, Namjoon gave his best to avoid him and his kids. He already had so many problems, he was not keen to add more.
They were standing in Mrs. Jung's porch. Mrs. Jung was an old woman in her early eighties. She was a neat woman with a perfect garden, Namjoon always admired her manicured lawns and shining petals of every flower in her garden.
The scene was not something Namjoon wasn't unfamiliar with. It was Seokjin in front of different doors, asking for someone to look after his two boys while he was away for a spontaneous duty.

Regardless of their cute smiles and sweet words, underneath of all of that laid some evilness. Well... Seokjin really had two golden boys, they were looking so precious, but both were a menace... there is no tidy room, no happy face or calmness left, when these two get together. You can only call it warzone. Sometimes good comes from evil and evil comes from good; and these two brothers were a perfect example.
Even right there it was obvious that the old woman was pleading Seokjin to not to leave them there.

"Please Mrs. Jung, I promise it will take me only an hour and I'll be right back. This is an urgent meeting." Seokjin assured the old lady in hope of being successful with the persuasion. Namjoon just changed his pace to terribly slow, this was a great show to watch.
"Twelve pieces of my precious coffee cup set decreased to eight, after Taehyung and Jimin kept visiting me. And I kindly asked you to not bring them over anymore." She shook her head as she sent a glare to the kids.
"But Mrs. Jung I paid-"
"Please, I am just an old woman who needs peace."
"I know... I know Mrs. Jung, but if this meeting would not be so compulsive to attend and if I would only have enough time to arrange a babysitter, I would really not bring them over." Seokjin almost begged the woman, who continuously shook her head, making her white and gray curls jump up and down.

This convention was a turning point to Seokjin's career, he truly had to take part in it. He had no other chance and no time to postpone it. He really needed someone to come towards him with helping hands, instead the door was shut in their faces.
Seokjin's shoulders sank in defeat. He already walked through the whole neighborhood, asked every person he could trust his sons and coaxed each of them, but it was no help. People were fed up with his children's behavior, they searched for new excuses to get away with this duty.
Hopelessness sat on Seokjin's chest. He really had to attend this sudden and particularly important meeting.
"Let's go to aunty Wendy then." Jimin suggested with his loud voice. Wendy was always their first choice of course. The young lady loved them as her guests, but even she was not available.
"No, darling. She said she has an appointment." Seokjin didn't spare him an explaining as he sighed and pulled them by their hands out of Mrs. Jung's porch.
"Then let's go to... uhm..." Taehyung tapped on his chin as he thought of another solution. He spot his new friend Jungkook behind the wooden fences of Mrs. Jung.
"Jungkook!" He waved at the boy, who bounced and waved back. Their excitement was worth watching. All three jumped up and down with gasps of surprise as if it was unlikely to see each other. (If you consider that they are next-door neighbors)
"Let's ask Jungkook's uncle." Taehyung put forward and Jungkook clapped into his hands.
"Can Taehyung and Jimin stay over?" Jungkook asked Namjoon with hope in his eyes, as he pointed at the miserable father and his kids.
"Over. My. Dead. Body." Seokjin and Namjoon said in unison as they came eye to eye, both had a flat look. No pleads, no miserable state would let two enemies unite.
Both adults clutched tightly around the little hands they were holding and tugged the kids away from each other. Namjoon to Jungkook's grandparents and Seokjin to find merciful neighbors.

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