{4} Do You Believe Me?

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Author's Note at the end
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"Lan Wangji~"



"Lan Zhan!"

A pair of annoyed golden eyes clashing with the cheerful (and a sliver of sorrowful?) pair of silver eyes.

"What? I only call you that because you don't answer me. In return, you can call me Wei Ying!"

"Have you finished your copy?" Lan Wangji asked Wei Wuxian, not even looking at the said man.

"I'm done, Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian shows him the stack of paper full of rules copy.

Lan Wangji takes one of the papers and examines it.

"Lan Zhan~~ What can I do with my writing??" The Jiang Head Disciple whines.

A small sigh can be heard from the Lan Head Disciplinary, but no answer is following. Wei Wuxian is bored and decided to draw a painting of Lan Wangji painting as he did in his last life.

Scribbling sound is the only voice that can be heard inside the Library Pavilion for a moment.

Wei Wuxian scoots over Lan Wangji while the latter continues copying scripts. The Jiang Head Disciple puts the painting on the Lan Head Disciplinary's table. The painting is beautiful but Lan Wangji only takes a glance before putting the painting with other disposable paper and says nothing.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. Says something at least." Wei Wuxian pouts.


"I know, I know. Boring right? Add some vocabulary, will you?"


"Very boring"

"You add a word! Congratulations, Lan Zhan!"

Lan Wangji's ear tips are red.

Silence occurs in Library Pavilion.

Wei Wuxian, as usual, breaks the silence.

"Lan Zhan, if I say that I am from the future, will you believe me?"

Lan Wangji lifts his face to face Wei Wuxian.

"There are theories about time travelling but the practice and proofs are unheard and if it exists, it is forbidden and unorthodox."

"Wow, Lan Zhan, that's the most words that have come out from you this far. Jokes aside, it is unorthodox but if I can prove it to you, will you believe me?"

Lan Wangji gives Wei Wuxian a look that says, 'how can you prove it?'

Now, this is a hard question. How I'm supposed to give him proof?
What's the nearest event?... Oh! The Waterborn Abyss!

"Ah- Ahaha- Lan Zhan... So distrustful! What if I say that in near future, there will be a Waterborn Abyss in the Biling Lake?"

The Lan Disciple slightly raises his eye brow. "We shall see if it is a true event and a proof or not."

Wei Wuxian lets out a small smile.
"I guess we shall." Still righteous and not making baseless judge. It's so you, Lan Zhan. I'm glad you are the only one who defended me when I was slandered on things I didn't do.

They sit in silence as Wei Wuxian re-do all the Gusu Lan Rules copies that he made for the next 3 Sichen.


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