{8} Plan A? Plan B?

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Author's Notes at the end

Comments and votes are very appreciated

Thanks to veronica201917 for the 'WangXian after the Waterborne Abyss scene' idea!

Warning!!! This chapter contains swear words! (Uncensored, so please read at your caution. Enjoy!)

(Oh, and pretend the picture above both of them are sitting. Thx)

A strong smell of herbs.

A scent of medicines.


A melody from Guqin can be heard across the room

Lan Zhan? How am I in the infirmary?

Did he drag me back here?

How is everyone in LuanZang Gang?


Why does Lan Zhan look so young-

...oh wait-

...Right. I travelled back in time

Wei Wuxian slowly opens his eyes, waking up with a grunt and his head is pounding so loud and bad like someone hits his head multiple times and make clanking noises right next to his ears.

Lan Wangji, who was originally played his Guqin, is notified of Wei Wuxian's awake by his grunt. He puts his fingers on the Guqin softly, stopping his Guqin from playing.

"Wei Ying"

Wei Wuxian, with his headache, faces Lan Wangji that is walking towards him, leaving his Guqin on the low table and standing beside where Wei Wuxian is. With a grunt, Wei Wuxian manages to make short sentences.

"Lan Zhan... What time is it? How long have I been unconscious?"

Lan Wangji answered softly,

"It's You shi. You have been unconscious for five days, Wei Ying"

Wei Wuxian froze. His headache somehow stops abruptly.

"D-Did I miss anything?"

Instead of answering, Lan Wangji eyed a dark-coloured flute beside Wei Wuxian's head. The flute's body is slender and beautiful. The aura that is emitted from the flute is ominous for the outsider but it's gentle-like motherly for Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. The flute happily vibrates when Lan Wangji stares strangely at it like a conscious being or there's some spirit that is housed in the flute (there is. Well, rather there are).

Wei Wuxian looks in the direction where Lan Wangji is looking.

ChenQing? She is here too?

"Lan Zhan, how did she get here?"

"... The flute?"


"Played Cleansing. Resentful energy formed"

ChenQing can appear from resentful energy?! That'll be a cool dramatic entrance.

He took the flute, spin it and hold the flute gently like it's an old friend spirit in the flute.

Memories of him and ChenQing together played in his head.

He remembers the pain when he fights against the LuanZang Gang and their resentful energies, ranging from recently died, to hundreds to hundreds of thousands of years.

[DISCONTINUED] Now Different Lives I LeadWhere stories live. Discover now