Interlude: A Recalling of Actions

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Author's Notes at the end

Votes and comments are very much appreciated

*This chapter placed in the lost future, 200-ish years after Revelation at Guanyin Temple. If WWX still lives, approx. 230+ years old (cultivator can live longer)

*P.S. Please do not mind of the title.

**This interlude chapter is part of the 'Lost Future' series in this fic, described in previous extra chapters.


Why would someone do anything?

Especially for their loved ones?

Why would someone sacrifice themselves for people they care for?

He understands now.

The question has been lingering in his mind for the past 70 years.

And now, he makes peace with it.

After all, what else can he do?

The former sect leader, now the oldest Jiang elder in this era.

Reminiscing about the old days, he remembers when the grass is greener and the lotus is much purple.

Oh, where do they all gone?

Carried by sea and blown by the wind

Season changes and a new era is born

Jiejie, ShiXiong, will they be proud of me?

The Nie sect crumbles first.

After Nie Huaisang, no one has the ability to par with the genius "Headshaker" to keep the sect afloat.

The infamous Unclean Realm is now a mere fortress with long history of bloodshed and war.

The Jin and Jiang are the second, but their territory are still available, just turned into market and trading centre.

The Lan is the last. They turn Cloud Recessess into one of the most prestige school in China, where scholars will look for knowledge from their infamous library.

And where does he belongs?

Where does Jiang wanyin, Sandu ShengShou belongs?

His reign has over years ago.

He has seen Jiang sect taken over by capable heir.

The ones that are incompetent?

They know better than to anger the war hero and resign themselves.

The day his last family member died, is still clear as day in his memory.

The pain of losing and the grief is still prominent, latching to his mind.

He remembers clearly on his words before Jin Ling, Jin Rulan goes to a nighthunt in Dafan.

"Do not come back until you catch something or I will break your legs!"

Eventhough he has set up more than 400 traps around Dafan, he seems to miscalculate on what the prey is.

He still remember the horror when he saw Jin Ling lying on the stone floor, soul is all but gone.

He remembers the wicked smile of the Dancing Fairy Statue as he and Hanguang-Jun tries to subdue, at least hold it until they can evacuate.

And he clearly remembers the way that he willingly sacrifices anything to bring him back. Anything.

Years after that incident, he search far and wide to free the soul of his nephew and let him reincarnate.

He closes his eyes.

His white hair and lines of age on his face tells of how ancient he is.

Words spouted in his youth, he realizes, has cause more harm than good and now he lives to regret it.

Love, he realizes.

Love is the thing that makes people willingly to sacrifice for people they care about.

Love is the thing that makes Wei Wuxian willingly gave his core to him.

And love is the thing that his JieJie, Jiang Yanli has that keep them together.

The bond between the Two Pride of Yunmeng has shattered long time ago when he, blinded by anger and provocation from other sect (mainly Jin sect, that bastard Guangshan and his bastard son) lead a siege for his Brother.

How dissapointed Jie must've been. She sacrificed her life to save Wei Wuxian and he just threw her sacrifice away.

And Wei Wuxian...

No one is able to summon his soul. Not even after his name been cleared.

As if it just vanishes from earth, there's not even a shard left.

After he dies, hopefully he can meet him again, at least for an apology. He deserves that.

I will give him a good smack on the head if I meet him. Who the hell gives their core willingly and doing it without the receiver's consent

Slowly, his eyelids close

And the world around him blurred into nothing.

Sandu ShengShou has passed away

And thus the era of Sunshot Heroes are over, and the youngster will continue to retell their legacies.


This is not really explaining anything I know, and a lot of plotholes.

What type this interlude chapter is, idk. The title and the content does not match and the characteristic of JWY doesn't really shine.

Please just take this extremely short chapter and let me burrow myself in blanket like a burrito while contemplating my life choices on why I decided to upload this

Thank you

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