{22} Wei Wuxian Woke Up and Choose Violence

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Author's notes at the end

Votes and comments are highly appreciated

I change the title. Before: " Wei-Xiong You-", into "Wei Wuxian Woke Up and Choose Violence"

"You know..."

Wei Wuxian stops from fumbling the Quintessence of the Wens.

" is it, Nie-Xiong?"

Nie Huaisang flip another page

"Sometimes I wish I have your courage"

Jiang Wanyin's leg stops swinging

"Trust me you don't want to"

Wei Wuxian continues to fumble with the pages.

"Jiang Cheng is right. Unless you want to be known as the walking troublemaker and a threat of broken legs from your Shidi every day then you shouldn't have my courage, Nie-Xiong"

"No thank you, Wei-Xiong. My title as the useless Nie is enough"

Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian laugh. Jiang Wanyin scoffs.

The doors slide open.

Two of the Wen guards announce that today's indoctrination will be started shortly and they are required to be in the field.

They dress up as quickly as possible, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Wanyin look presentable as a sect heir meanwhile Wei Wuxian tries his best to look presentable yet insulting at the same time.

(There are strands of hair coming out from the not-so-centred ponytail, His sash is not tied up properly, Huwan is a little loose, but overall, Wei Wuxian put them in the right place and passable in the 'tidy' category)*

Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian then put their secret Qiankun Pouch inside their robes, hidden from plain sight (even though this is unnecessary, it's only for a pre-caution)

It is as they say, "Above the most annoying person, there are more annoying people"

("Pretty sure that's not the phrase-" "Wei-Xiong shush, don't break the 4th wall")

The trio walks behind the two guards while sneakily commenting on how ridiculous Wen's fashion taste are.

"Wei-Xiong, Wei-Xiong, look at their hem"

"Nie-Xiong, they are so terrible that I have a feeling that you will wrestle your way to be the designer in the sect"

"Aish, Wei-Xiong always know what I'm thinking. This weak Huaisang that knows nothing will be in Wei-Xiong's mercy"

Jiang Wanyin nudges Nie Huaisang, "Do you know how wrong that sounds?"

Nie Huaisang fans himself while fluttering his eyelids towards Jiang Wanyin, "Jiang-Xiong, are you jealous that my remark intended to Wei-Xiong?"

Jiang Wanyin flusters and musters every single curse word that he knows under his breath.

Wei Wuxian snickers, holding himself back from laughing out loud.

Wei Wuxian, "Nie-Xiong, even with a few 'innocent' words, Jiang Cheng has been defeated. He can't even handle the yellow book"**

Nie Huaisang, "Even the mildest one, Wei-Xiong?"

Wei Wuxian, "Even the mildest one in your library"

Nie Huaisang, "I can't believe this! Oh how I thought my Jiang-Xiong was a cultured man yet in reality he is a softy"

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