{20} Wait- Is This A Fieldtrip or A Deathtrip?

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Author's Notes at the end

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Enjoy the cat drawing I made on my math paper

Mao Shi,
Lotus Pier

Lotus flowers gently sway with the wind.

Water surface ripples here and there, fishes take a peek at the surface before diving back in.

Frog leaps from one lily pad to another, croaking loudly, filling the silence of Pier in the early morning.

Four figures with two purple robes, one lilac robe and one red and black robe are seen standing on the pier. Numerous boats are tied to the pier, waiting for the Jiang disciple to step inside and occupy the boats.

The lady in purple, Young mistress Jiang Yanli (half) shoving lunch boxes full of food, starting from snacks such as lotus candy or lotus paste steam bun, to lotus pork rib soup.

Meanwhile, the male figures in purple and black-red robes are stumbling a little to the back due to the amount of food supply they received from their loving older sister.

"Shijie- This is so much food! With this amount of food, we can sustain ourselves for two months or more!"

"Wuxian is right, Jie- Isn't this too much? We're only going for a few days indoctrination"

"What if they don't feed my baby brothers right? What if they starve both of you and make you difficult and dangerous work?"

Jiang Fengmian says to his daughter,

"A-Li, I'm sure they can handle themselves"

"I know, A-Die"

To his son and his heir to the Yunmeng Jiang sect,

"A-Cheng, take care of yourself and protect each other there. The rest of us here won't be able once you two got there. Your A-Niang sent you her best wish for safe travel"

"Shì, A-Die"

And to his adopted son,

"A-Xian, take care of my children, okay?"

Wei Wuxian lowers his head

The amber colour of burning Lotus Pier is far, yet their fear is near. They are tied together in a boat with Zidian.

Jiang Fengmian has one hand on Jiang Wanyin's cheek, giving his last goodbye.

Jiang Wanyin screams. His face was full of tears of fear and determination.

"A-Die! Let us join too! We can fight!!"

Jiang Fengmian shakes his head, giving Jiang Wanyin a last kiss on the forehead

"Take care, A-Cheng. Be safe"

To Wei Wuxian, he gives him his last order as his Zongzhu and his last order for the Jiang Head Disciple.

"A-Xian. Protect my children"

Lifting his head, glossy silver eyes meet against dark purple.

"Shì, Jiang-Shushu"

Not a praise, nor a goodbye.

It was an order.

That he will and must follow to his last breath.


"-ei Wuxian?"

Wei Wuxian snaps out from his memory and answers Jiang Fengmian with confidence.

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