{11} Decision

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Author's note at the end

Comments and votes are highly appreciated

Note for this chapter: I change the translation way. Instead of just putting stars beside the word, I make the word that has translations with Underline and the stars at the end of the line or paragraph (so it won't be confusing)

Thank you for your attention and enjoy reading this chapter!

Wei Shi*,
a quarter Sichen later after Wei Wuxian confrontation with Qingheng-Jun.






The sound of boots against the wood of Gusu Lan's disciples and visiting disciples in white robes from Lanling Jin, Qinghe Nie and Yunmeng Jiang are walking through the hallway, led by the Twin Jade. Murmur and low whispers and small laughs can be heard. All of them are walking 2 by 2 or 3 by 3, with their closest friend or walking alone enjoying the scenery.

The Twin Jades left when they arrive at a vast hall with paintings, everyone is either put a bored face or excited expression.

(There are 2 groups. Group of disciples that knows it's gonna be a long boring class about Gusu Lan history and Group of disciples that are interested in Gusu Lan's history)

In the hall, there are 4 windows, each telling the life story part from Gusu Lan founder.

The oldest window told about the founder of Gusu Lan, Lan An.

"Lan An was born in a temple. Growing up, he listened and chanted sutras, and thus, at a very young age, he became a wise and famous monk."

The second window told about how Lan become a sect that uses music cultivation.

"At the age of 20, Lan An used the 'Lan' from 'QieLan' as his surname and continue his life as a musician"

The third window,

"During his path of cultivation, he found his 'Fated Person' that he had searched for so long in Gusu, this becomes a cultivation partner with her and founded the Lan Sect"

As the fourth window is getting explained, a group of disciples in the back of the line whispering (read: gossiping) to each other.

"I heard Lans only love once"
"Yeah! What kind of girl do you like?"
"Mine's must be a good cook, beautiful and loyal"

One of the gossipers calls Jin Zixuan's name.

"Jin-Gongzi! What type of girlfriend do you like?"

The person beside the one that just called Jin Zixuan elbows his stupid friend and whispers with an angry tone and unfortunately, it's loud enough for everyone at the back to hear.

"Shh. Jin-Gongzi already has a fiancé! Don't you remember that Jin-Furen and Yu Ziyuan is sworn sister and they agreed to betroth their children to each other? "

Other (stupid) disciples that just heard the whispers ask Jin Zixuan in a (ridiculously) loud voice.

"Jin-Xiong! What is your fiancé looks like? Must be beautiful!"

"Don't think about it"

Pindrop silence.

Suddenly, a cold and chilling atmosphere fill the hall. The origin is from the Jiangs, especially Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin.

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