{17} Who Let This Stupid Child Joins?

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Author's notes at the end.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated


When the flare explodes and
"Father, why did you let that weakling joins the archery contest?!"

Wen Ruohan glares at his son((?) This weakling is his son?).

'Out of all kinds of a spare heir I would like to have to maintain Wen sect glory, why must be this idiot. Can't he see that he is interested in the odd Jiang kid that defended Qionglin?! Can't the disgrace see that he is calculating to choose who he could rope to ensure Wen sect safety?! Even a donkey is smarter than him!!!'

Wen Chao whimpers at the cold glare he got from his father.


"Do not Fuqin me"

"W-Wen Zongzhu- This Wen Chao would like to redeem himself through archery competition and bring glory to the Wen sect"

Wen Ruohan looks at his failure of a son with an interesting bitching face on him.
His expression screams of agony and expiration.

'Are you sure you're that great? The last time I checked you failed to develop a strong core and you can't even do things correctly. Your teacher all complained about how all you can do is scream like a toddler and yell at Zhuliu to do things that you suppose to do. Not forgetting that bitch of yours. A failure of a concubine and spouse. Heh. What spouse. She only can scream and has no value at all

Wen Ruohan still puts on his bitching (maniac) face and tells his whimpering and shaking disappointment of an offspring of his.

"Fine. If you disappoint me, there will be a consequence"

Wen Chao stands up from his chair, goes down to enter the arena and yells to some of the disciples that internally are tired of Wen Chao's bullshit.

'He can't even manage his robe'


"What is a bastard and a son of a servant doing here?"

Disciples behind him shifted uncomfortably, especially those who are planked beside Wen Chao's left and right sides.

Wen-Er-Gongzi, what the fuck are you doing?! You are going to anger His Excellency!! These two are certainly better than you in archery!!

As much as the disciples want to scream at Wen Chao's stupidity, they're not going to. And can't.

(They have a rolling schedule in guarding the Fire Palace. Oh, the terror screams of those souls who had an unfortunate meeting with Wen Ruohan. It makes them shiver in fright)

Jiang Wanyin fumes

"How dare you insult one of Yunmeng Jiang sect disciples?! How atrocious!"

"HAH! Atrocious! All of you sects are beneath me! BENEATH THE GLORIOUS WEN!!"

"Nǐ-! Nǐ-!!!"

Wei Wuxian shakes his head when he and Jiang Wanyin's eyes are met.

As much as Jiang Wanyin wants to defend his brother (is he considering Wei Wuxian as a brother or a future loyal servant?), he knows that if he does it, it will fume other sects to further degrade Wei Wuxian.

(Whispers of how Wei Wuxian is a son of a servant's swirls, especially between the Yao and Ouyang, as they're the ones who started the rumour.

'Look at him, did he get to be Jiang's ward with warming their beds?'

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