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I am back from the pit of procrastinating

Isn't it funny of how catching a cold becomes my motivation to continue writing?

Also here's the artwork I've done to return my mood

Smug Huā Chéng showing off his gambler den to Xie-Gege

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Smug Huā Chéng showing off his gambler den to Xie-Gege.

He is very proud of his calligraphy

And I've started chapter 26! So don't worry about me abandoning this book cus I think I won't be able too (I love this fic too much 😗)

To anyone who has seen the Smug Hua Cheng from YouTube post,

Hi! Yes it is me, ReynDay from YouTube :D

Das all for today and I'm going to Bali now >:)

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