{12} Looming Danger

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Author's note at the end

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Xu Shi*,

The night is young

Activities in the town of Yunmeng start to slow down.

The dim brightness from candles through the windows are lit on,

All rooms in the inns are occupied, taverns slowly filled with people after long day works, drunk with wine and sharing stories,

Families are home having dinner, farmers and their families are home,
Blacksmiths finish their swords before closing the workshop.

In the middle of the large Yunmeng lotus lake, a big sect stands proudly and glorious, yet friendly toward its people in their region, unlike other sects that seem to rule over their people.

That was once upon a time.

In the Jiang patriarch's lead, Jiang Fengmian, the once-friendly Lotus Pier is cold and unfriendly, due to the explosive temper of the madam of the Lotus Pier.

The only saving grace that keeps its people stay in Yunmeng is the generous, mischievous, helpful and kind Yunmeng Jiang's Head Disciple, Wei Wuxian.

The same Wei Wuxian, a young boy that was once a street rat in Yiling, freezing and alone, waiting for his parents that he still believe that they will come back, before Jiang Fengmian found the son of his deceased friends.

Inside the Pier, the moon shines down, the reflection on the water brightening the red fireflies hovering on the lotus pond around a secluded compound called Lotus Pavillion.

The additional lone building was a place for the Jiang patriarch and matriarch love to sit before the Jiang matriarch became more bitter and angry after the Jiang patriarch sets out to find his friends' son and the place has been deserted for sometimes, only the servants clean the Pavillion from time to time.

It is Hai Shi. No one is occupying the Pavillion.**

The Head Disciple is standing there, leaning on the railing, accompanied by the gentle wind gently caressing his face, the gentle ring from the small bells, and the noises of frogs and crickets.

The training ground is also unoccupied. Other Jiang disciples are either venturing to the town or resting in their quarter.

Standing in the middle of Pavillion, Wei Wuxian unsheathes Suibian, swinging it gently a few times.

How I miss to wield you, Suibian.

ChenQing on his belt is quivering, waiting for her turn to be used to practise. Wei Wuxian gives ChenQing a gentle pat on the flute's body.

You too, ChenQing

Wei Wuxian opens his practice with the basic sword form a few times before moving to the difficult flowy form, added with a few of his moves, courtesy of using flute in war.

Open stance


Thrust forward


Thrust backwards


Sunshot Campaign is in front of his eyes. The fire from the volcano and the Fire Palace itself burning hot, as if the sun is right above them. Jiang, Nie, Lan and Jin, along with small sects, united to end the Wen tyranny.


Thrust backwards


Thrust forward

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