{26} Letting Yourself Eaten By A Turtle Is Not The Brightest Idea

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Author's Notes at the end

Votes and comments are highly appreciated

Back in Dusk Creek Mountain,


"Wei Wuxian!"



"I know you are smart, Da-ShiXiong, but this one is not the smartest idea"

A squawk "Hey! I'm offended!"

"As much as I hate you, Jiang Yanli will be saddened if you die and by extent, my Muqin will be angered. Plus? I do not want to be on my Muqin's sworn sister's irk"

"Hey hey hey, now peacock. I know you don't know what having a sibling feels like and I know you are maidenless because of your lacking in not being awkward and arrogant around women-"


"-But I also know that your golden ass wouldn't want to get dirty by the muddy water or getting your shoes to have contact with the corpses that oversized turtle has eaten, so I will volunteer to be the one fishing it out and be a distraction"

Nie LiuXing, "Uhm... Wei-Gongzi- Are you sure SURE that this is the best course of action?"

Jiang Er-ShiDi, "Yeah. Da-ShiXiong, you know I can swim too right? At least let me help you?"

Wei Wuxian, "Haiya look at you. Do you want me to make this cute of ShiDi getting eaten by an oversized turtle? Absolutely not!"

"I'm not cute!" Jiang Er-Shidi

Wei Wuxian scoffs endearingly (They still look like children to him!)

"Alright, alright but back to the case, I will be the one that distracts, Peacock will be the one that damages the turtle, Nie-Gongzi will help Peacock and Er-ShiDi will keep on guard to check at the exit underwater"

"Should I check now, Da-ShiXiong?"

"You can. If in 2 minutes you don't resurface, I will personally drag you back from the water"

"是, Da Shi-Xiong!"*


Wei Wuxian, "Well now that Er-ShiDi is checking the exit underwater, please do tell me now, Peacock-"

"-Do you actually love my Shijie or not?"

Jin Zixuan looks at Wei Wuxian sharply "Why do you have to ask that?"

A flare of resentful energy can be felt in Wei Wuxian's heart, tugging

"Don't give me that look, Peacock. I need to know whether I must punch you before we take down this turtle or not"

Nie LiuXing, "Jin-Gongzi, Wei-Gongzi, I found some bows and arrows. They were over there"

"Good job, Nie-Gongzi. Please leave the rest to the mighty respectable Jin-Gongzi here. You can go, scout, a little bit, and try to see whether the first entry can be broken from inside or not. We need as many backup plans as possible-

-And you, Peacock, this day is your lucky day. I have plans to do so I won't fight with you today."


With Jin Zixuan's back against him and his golden figure getting further, he lets himself clutch his left side of the chest as of it was his last lifeline.

'That Stygian Tiger Amulet-'

Another tug

'Really eager to be destroyed huh-'

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