Chapter 27, LZK and WX wedding

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Chapter 27, Li Zhang Ke's and Wang Xuan's wedding

"Your Majesty, our army is ready" Gan Luo Yi reported, displaying his glorious armor and long sword.

The Queen of Wei Zhuang nodded, focus and determined decorated her delicate facial features. "Attack when it's almost dark."

"YES!" The army shouted, bowing.

The same day,

"LET ME GO, I WANT TO KILL-" Li Zhang Ke burst out of anger, pushing his way through the cold poles framing him. His hair was messy and let go as his face was covered in blood and dirt.

"Wei An Ge,"

He mumbled, seeing Wei An Ge with her dark glorious court dress walking to him.

"What did you call me?" She crouched to him and get closer to his face. "General, don't worry. Everything will be fine now." The general long messy hair was fixed to his ear.

"Get the general to clean up." She stood up, looking down at him. "Get him to the court once done."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

Li Zhang Ke's eyes were covered with a thick strip of a napkin. He was showered and dressed without acknowledging what he was wearing for. Hence, he stayed silent.

An hour later, the General walked to the court and was placed in front of the throne where Wei An Ge was sitting straight.

The guards untied the napkin and the whole court was decorated with red curtains and candles. He scanned the area before knowing a girl dressed in red with a covered face was in front of him, holding the same red sloth as he was. On his left side was the throne and Gan Xin standing beside the Queen. Down the altar was Li Hua Rong, his little sisters, and less than 20 ministers witnessing the scene.

"Li Zhang Ke, finally we can get married." The girl informed. Based on her tone, she was happy and smiling under the veil.

"Wang Xuan?" He believed.

The wedding ceremony began. Li Zhang Ke was just following the flow to avoid getting into trouble. They started kneeling.

"Li Zhang Ke, a young hero and a general at such young age justified his discipline and commitment to the kingdom. I, the Queen of Hei An Guang grant you as Hei An Guang's shadow guard, protecting the nation from the attack of the dangerous and heartless Forest's Shadow Clan." An eunuch read the imperial stroll out loud on behalf of the Queen.

The eunuch passed the stroll to him.

"Li Zhang Ke," He paused, " thank Her Majesty,"

The new weds were sent to the Li Manor that was forbidden and ignored. Most of the plants were dead out of dehydration and the walk was dirty.

Li Zhang Ke was stunned by the view, clutching his fist in anger. The girl, Wang Xuan locked her arms on his, leading him to his old room.

"We're going to a place after this." She informed, opening the veil herself, unlike the tradition where the male groom unveil her.

"Wang Xuan, sit." He instructed with a cold tone of voice.

As soon as Wang Xuan had her bottom on the bed with him, sitting he hugged her right.

"Do you know how bad I was tortured? They drugged me so that I can't move and whipped me with spikey torturing tools. How many times the poison attacked me again after one and another hour," tears dripped off his red eyes. "I thought I should have died there but I didn't. I struggled because how about you and Rong Er?"

Wang Xuan hugged him tighter, bursting into tears. "Don't worry, we are all together now. You'll be fine, trust me. Go with me later alright?"

Li Zhang Ke nodded, patting Wang Xuan caressing her.

A few hours later, where the sky was dark, swallowed by the darkness of night.

"Gan Xin, are you following me to the Royal Prison?" Wei An Ge inquired as soon as getting the key from the ministers before even changing her court dress and heavy hair accessories. "You can finally meet him,"

"I have a meeting with a few of my Xin Jia fellow ministers. I see you later tonight at the cottage." Gan Xin stated. He knew he shouldn't be in front of both the King and Wei An Ge. Plus, the celebration meeting with Sun Ai Er and the others was probably happening already.

He didn't want the sea of flowers Wei An Ge grew and round cakes she made to be touched by any of them. Hence, he instantly marched to the Ming Yun Brick.

Being alone, Wei An Ge walked along the cold dark, and empty hallway. Her eyes were searching inside each cell but all of them are empty.

"MY KING! ARE YOU HERE?" She shouted, walking faster as anxiety and panicked covered as if it was her second skin.

The voice echoed back to her. She started running further across the hallway and found a cell with a body in it, laying on the ground stationery. She held the poles, trembling in fear, sneaking at the body.

"YOUR MAJESTY!" Her eyes enlarged as soon as she successfully recognized the King. She jumped in worried and used the key to open the grail even when her hands were shaking.

"Are, are you okay?" Wei An Ge grabbed the King on the shoulder, stuttering. "My king?!"

His cold body showed no response. Wei An Ge turned to her back, seeing a pot of water. She grabbed them and splash them on his face.

"Uhk, uhk" he coughed. Wei An Ge smiled in relief. "Crown Princess, I was sleeping, that's it!"

He wiped his face, complaining.

"My King, you can go out and rule again," accompanied by an innocent smile, Wei An Ge informed, excited for him.

"Rule again? You took the throne?" The King's eyes expanded. His tone of voice was panicked and anxious.

"I did, I even got married to ascend the throne," she interpreted. "His name is G-"

"Did a guy name Gan Xin approach you?"

"I got married to him during coronation day. He's my husband,"

The King held his grip on her shoulder, tight. His eyes were focused on hers reflecting his worries.

"Crown Princess, Gan Xin was the boy who saved you from the foxglove poison cure when you two were thirteen!"

"He was?"

"He's the Leader of Wei Zhuang's Royal spies, ah Crown Princess!" He moaned in disappointment while Wei An Ge was frozen in disbelief.

"I heard the maid Jing Nu died. Do you know who did it?"

She nodded as her eyes turned red, holding onto his tears,

"Wang Xuan and the others did it,"

"Gan Xin is their leader!"

"My King, please, enough" she fell to the floor, completely. She was closing her ears and eyes uncomfortably. Her heartbeat rate accelerated. "I don't like this,"

"Crown Princess, why didn't you kill Wang Kuan, Sun Lai Zhe's, and Li Zhi Jian's descendants?"

"Because, because" she stuttered, "I trusted them. I trusted them,"

She started smiling and laughing as her eyes were flooded. "I actually trusted them and they killed Jing Nu who was a mother for us," her laugh turns scarier and pshycotic.

"My King, I'm so pathetic am I? I even married their leader and loved him, trusted him. He's their leader!" She smiled.

Suddenly, echoes of man screaming and blood dropping to the ground lingered in the cell.



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