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"So Hana, has Heeseung been good to you? Because if he hasn't been good to you, I can always teach him a lesson." Junseo said, looking at Hana then back to Heeseung with a playful smile.

Heeseung rolled his eyes but he laughed. The four of them sat in the dining table to eat the dinner Junseo and his girlfriend prepared. To say the least, the atmosphere was not awkward at all thanks to Heeseung and his brother. The two girls could only laugh because of how funny they were.

"Yes, Heeseung has been good to me." Hana giggles, looking at Heeseung who had an annoyed expression on his face. "How did the two of you meet?" She asked, pertaining to the couple who sat across her.

"We met online. The next events are obvious enough." Eunkyung says, grabbing her lover's hand.

Hana and Heeseung smiled happily for the two and even though they've been dating only for a week, the only thing they ever wanted was Junseo's happiness.

"How's Jay also? Is he dating someone or is he still in love with that girl who left the country? You know, the girl you've been competing with in high school." Junseo asked and a snort escaped Heeseung's lips. Hana couldn't help but suppress her laughter as she remembered how much Junseo liked his brother's best friend.

"He's fine and yes, he's already dating someone. Jeez, you didn't even ask me how I'm doing when I picked you up earlier. And now you're asking me how my best friend is doing, Eunkyung look at how unfair your boyfriend is!" Heeseung annoyingly says, pointing at his brother who was roaring in laughter.

"Hana control your jealous boyfriend!" Junseo then pointed at Hana. Her eyes widened when all their gazes averted to her and the spoon she had in her mouth.

"Alright calm down. Let Hana eat peacefully." Eunkyung said.

Dinner continued until it was only Hana and Junseo left in the kitchen. Hana insisted on helping clear the table so there she was, putting the plates on the sink. Heeseung stepped outside to buy dessert while Eunkyung was in the living room, talking to someone in the phone.

"Your two year anniversary is approaching. It's been so long since I scolded Heeseung for not realizing any sooner about his feelings for you." Junseo said while Hana was busily cleaning the plates.

She chuckled slightly. "Yeah, it's been a while then since you mistook me for some stranger."

"Again it's Heeseung's fault for not showing me a picture of you." He laughed. "Thank you Hana though, I've never seen my brother so happy. Although I don't say it a lot but his happiness matters so much to me, so I'm really thankful to you. I could only hope you feel just as happy as you make my brother."

There was no doubt Heeseung made her happy and hearing those words from his brother was reassuring. She was glad he felt just as happy as he made her feel and she wanted nothing more but for that to never change. The longer she spend time with him, the more she realizes how much it'll hurt her when she loses him.

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