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"Not so much of a hello or a how are you, huh?" Heeseung says as he reads the text Hana just received

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"Not so much of a hello or a how are you, huh?" Heeseung says as he reads the text Hana just received. "I'm assuming I'm not invited in this."

Hana giggles. "I can always sneak you in if you like. "

He frowned. "He'll definitely notice someone as handsome like me."

"Whatever you say love." She said, patting him in the shoulder before standing up to drink water.

The couple has been spending way too much time in her apartment, it almost felt like she wasn't living there alone. Heeseung has been spending so much time with her after the unfortunate incident. Although she has forgiven him, a part of her couldn't forget but she always set the feelings aside because she loved him and she could see the effort he was putting into making it up to her.

After drinking water she returned to the floor where Heeseung was sitting, busily typing something in his laptop. "Why can't we hang out in your apartment? Aren't you tired of hanging out here?" Hana swore she saw a hint of panic appear in his facial expression. "Hee, are you hiding something there?"

He smiled reassuringly. "M-Maybe next time love, just give me a heads up because it's very messy there."

His reply somehow reminded her of the stupid excuse Niki made when he caught her in his bedroom when she shouldn't be there. "Fine you don't have to tell me but I know you're lying."

He hummed. "Hm how are you so sure?"

"You stuttered love and the panic expression on your face when I brought up the topic. Even Haneul would be able to tell you were lying." She shrugged.

He laughed.  "Don't worry about it, I'm not hiding anything from you. You'll find out sooner or later why I can't show you my apartment."

Sighing in defeat, she frowned. "Fine, whatever you say."

She stared at her laptop for a short while, trying to look for a good dress to wear for the Christmas party. Whether she liked it or not, she needed to make a good impression for those who will attend. Even though weeks passed since the widespread of her and Jihoon's pictures, she was sure when they catch sight of her the memory would freshen up and they'll begin asking her questions. School wasn't any good also. At first, she was always afraid of their stares but then it came to the point she just stopped caring. Even though they continued to badmouth her, she just learned to live with it.

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