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"Why are there so many typos in your paper?" Jihoon scratched his head as he proofreads Hana's paper.

Hana rubbed her nape embarrassingly because that was expected. She wrote the paper half-asleep and Jihoon being the kind friend he was, offered to proofread it for her. She couldn't decline when she knew herself her paper needed to be checked by someone. So now the two friends resided in the library for awhile to check the paper she wrote.

"What does this word even mean?" He asked pointing at something from her laptop. "Fumanxolky? What the hell is that?"

"Financially." She said, chuckling a little. "I think that's the part where I fell asleep. Look it's not even finished."

"What did you do yesterday that got you so tired?" He questions.

"I was watching over my cousin's dog then my father suddenly called me to help him with the company. I got home and remembered I had a paper to do and now here we are, still barely awake but enough to make one stupid paper." She rants.

Jihoon laughed at how evident the annoyance was in her voice. "How much coffee did you drink for you to be this riled up?"

She frowned. "I don't drink coffee."

"Health problems or you just don't like it?"

"I just don't." She smiled but really there was a reason behind it.

At a young age, her father forbid her to drink coffee. He said it would mess with her critical thinking and she would be unable to make proper decisions. He thinks coffee gets in the way of the brain performing to its ultimate capacity. Ever since then, Hana never tried coffee. She stuck with the drink her mother recommended as an alternative to coffee, and that was fruit tea. She grabbed her laptop from Jihoon and corrected the mistakes he pointed out.

But once all the typos were fixed, she stopped typing because she had no idea what to add. "Don't know what to write next?" Jihoon snickers as he watched the girl struggle.

She rolled her eyes at him. From afar she could see Remi enter the library with a bunch of books in her hands. Their eyes met and Hana signaled her to sit with them. Remi smiled and made her way towards them

"Hana and Jihoon, hi!" She greets the two and sat across them. "What are you two doing together?"

"He's checking my paper." Hana answered.

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