Better Left Unsaid

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"Michael, stop!!"

Althea shrieked, letting out a giggle as she dodged the splashes of water her playful husband sent her way.

Her eyes burned with chlorine as she swam to the edge of the pool and Althea could feel the grip of a pair of familiar fingers wrap around her ankle.

A short moment of panic settled in chest until she saw her husband's face smiling back at her, wet jheri curls clinging to his forehead and his smooth brown skin glistening in the sunlight.

"You little sneak," she giggled, scolding him with a splash although her fear had not totally disappeared.

Since her first night at Hayvenhurst, Althea had made an effort to keep a very low profile around the Jackson home. She stayed out of sight except at breakfast and dinner, and only spoke if and when she was spoken to. Anytime in-between was spent strictly in the company of Michael who was reluctant to get back to work and still very much enjoying the afterglow of their honeymoon.

Althea enjoyed it very much too but even in the most romantic of moments she found her conversation with Jermaine lingering in the back of her mind.

She couldn't help but feel threatened.

It was perfectly clear to her that the Jacksons were classist and didn't take kindly to those that weren't a part of their own tax bracket. The poor were a burden- an enemy- and it didn't seem to matter if poor girls like her and Dee-Dee fell in love with their sons.

They would find a way to put the have-nots back in their place at the bottom of the totem pole.

Althea hadn't the wildest idea of what happened to Dee-Dee and the mystery drove her crazy. What would happen to herself once she wore out her company in high places?

"I sure am gonna miss these lazy days with you," Michael sighs, grabbing his wife's waist and pulling her to him.

Althea furrowed her wet brows.

"What do you mean, honey?" She settled her arms around her husband's neck. " You're getting tired of me already?"

Michael grins.

"No, silly. It's just I'm going back to work, as all,"

Althea felt her heart drop. She'd been too busy savouring the days with Michael that she hadn't prepared herself for his return to work. With Michael gone for most of the day she'd be imprisoned in Hayvenhurst.

"Do you have to go back right away?" She frowned, staring into his deep brown eyes

"C'mon, Thea, I have a job," her husband replied. "I've abandoned Jermaine long enough,"

Althea fought the urge to roll her eyes. As far as she was concerned, Jermaine didn't need Michael's help at all.

"Please, Michael," Althea spoke softly as she fiddled with one of the wet curls on the nape of his neck. "Don't leave me here all by myself,"

Michael chuckled, finding his wife's clinginess endearing. It felt wonderful to feel wanted and needed.

"You won't be alone," Michael replied. "Mother, Hazel and Opal will be here,"

Althea did like Opal at least. Apart from Michael, she was her only ally in the house.

She sighed, disappointedly, and Michael fastened his wet hands to her face.

"Look, baby," he started softly. "I know you're still having a hard time feelin' like you belong but you've gotta put in just a little effort too, okay?"

Althea nodded slowly. As much as she'd hated to admit it, Michael was right. If she wanted to feel included she'd have to put down guard.

"Okay," she sighed. "Now I wanna get out. I'm starting to prune,"

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