Barbeque Blitz

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Althea felt sick to her stomach every time she passed her vanity.

Knowing what was inside almost made her feel like a murderer who'd stashed away a dead body and she hated each moment that the guilt ate away at her. Althea had never been so worried and confused in her life and if she didn't have anything to busy herself with, she was debating on coming clean to Michael about Jermaine's harassment.

Althea could either tell Michael and start World War II with the Jacksons or she could deal with Jermaine herself and let the whole thing blow over.

As she was sure Jermaine had planned, the threat of leaking the pictures had caused Althea to distance herself from Michael. She was aloof and jumpy in his presence and while she never meant to be she just couldn't shake it. She almost feared that getting too close to her own husband would give Jermaine more ammunition against them.

Althea was determined not to let her evil brother-in-law cause the decline of her marriage so in an attempt to make up for the lost time she made lunch and decided to surprise her husband at the office.

Althea touched up her lipstick on the walls of the mirrored elevator and waited impatiently for the doors to open to the floor of Jacksound Record's offices. An unusual chill greeted her as she stepped off, causing the hairs on Althea's arms to stand up. She suddenly had a bad feeling but she tried to shake it off.

"Hi Althea," Pamela smiled as she entered the foyer.

She smiled politely at the secretary as she pulled the picnic basket off her hip and sat it on her desk.

"Hey Pam, how's it going?"

The brown-eyed secretary eyed the basket, a smile spreading on her red-glossed lips.

"Preparing for the barbeque this Friday, huh?" She teased.

Althea's arched eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Barbeque? What barbeque?" She asked, confused.

Pamela's eyes widened.

"Did you forget? The Jacksons always throw a big barbeque at the end of summer. It's like the biggest event of the year for the office staff and everybody who knows them. It's not every day I get to put on a nice garden party dress, wander around a fabulous estate and eat all the prime rib Bobby and I could dream about."

Althea felt foolish and embarrassed for being out of the loop about what was supposed to be a big event hosted by the family she'd married into. The Jacksons had never wanted her to touch a blade of grass on their property when she was dating Michael, let alone invite her to a family event.

Kathrine didn't even have the courtesy to call and invite them.

"Oh, I must have forgotten," She chuckled nervously, ready to put the topic to rest. "Is Michael in?"

Pamela held up her glossy manicured index finger and pressed the intercom extension.

"Mr. Jackson," She spoke softly. "Mrs. Jackson is here to see you,"

The line was silent for a moment.

"Which one?" he asked.

The secretary giggled.

"Your wife, sir,"

"Send her in right away,"

Althea smiled and picked up her picnic basket.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you at the barbeque,"

She gave the secretary one last wave before heading past reception to Michael's office.

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