Cain Vs Able

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Althea woke to a perfumy, tickling sensation in her nostrils and when she opened her eyes to see the beautiful, bright red rose lying on her pillow, she was positive that she was in for a good day.

Early rays of golden sunlight burst through the bedroom window, and she could hear the shower turning off, giving Althea a clue as to who might be responsible for the morning rose. Lifting the delicate flower to her nose, she slowly sat up in bed.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Michael greeted as he emerged from the bathroom. A billow of steam followed him into the bedroom, stray beads of water clung to his back and chest and a terry cloth towel hung dangerously low on his hips.

Althea grinned, enjoying the view before he leaned down to kiss her.

"Good morning, yourself," she replied, clutching the rose to chest. "I suppose you know who's responsible for the lovely rose?"

Her husband only smirked, before settling on the edge of the bed.

"Fresh cut from Mother's garden," Michael replied. "Thought it might brighten your day,"

Althea's smile only grew wider, and it was her turn to give her amorous husband a kiss.

"You're so thoughtful," She sighed wistfully. "Now I know that today will be wonderful,"

Althea had to admit that things had been looking up around Hayvenhurst since she had humbly extended an olive branch to the Jacksons. Joseph and especially Kathrine, were slowly but surely warming up to her. She'd had afternoon tea in the garden with Katherine, helped Stacy pick out dresses for her Barbie dolls and sometimes T.J would ask her a geometry question or two.

Hazel was still very much aloof and snobby and then of course, there was Jermaine.

Althea found herself unsettled by their exchange of words but didn't repeat the details of their conversation. It was clear to her that there was nothing she would ever do to make Jermaine pleased with her marrying into the family and she wondered if he gave Dee-Dee a hard time too.

With the subtle threats and the suspicious car incident, Althea was beginning to suspect that Jermaine might have had something to do with whatever happened to Dee-Dee.

One day, she would find out.

Michael flashed his gorgeous smile, reaching out to stroke his wife's cheek with his thumb.

"I hope it'll be just as wonderful as tonight,"

Althea raised an eyebrow.

"Tonight? What's so special about tonight?"

Her husband grinned.

"Tonight, we are going out on a little date,"

"A date?" her brown eyes lit up with excitement. "Ooo,where are we going?"

Since moving into Hayvenhurst, the two had hardly had any time to themselves apart from waking up and going to bed. The idea of having a night alone with Michael excited Althea.

"An elegant little restaurant called The Mystique," her husband replied. "I'm scouting an act there and I figured it'd be an opportunity to have some alone time,"

Althea grinned.

"Oh Michael, you're a genius!"

She grabbed her husband's face, kissing him fervently. Michael's eyes glanced at the bedside clock.

"It's still pretty early," he whispered against her lips, "Whatdaya say we take advantage of this moment?"

Althea grinned as she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, his fingers already toying with the buttons of her night shirt.

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