Prologue: Just An Ocean's Memory

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The blue ocean... the quiet blue ocean that flows the whole world. Its shiny blue color with waves dancing on the water like horses galloping on water. The ocean is a source of life, life that would turn the world into a growing planet from its birth to its present day. Many things have come ever since the ocean was a beautiful sight. Many lived under the waves, life was living with schools of fish and a forest of corals scattering around it's sand and rocks underwater.

Back then, many civilizations from the past once believed that the ocean was a gift, a curse, a mystery, or a legend of forgotten history under its waves. Many civilizations once believe that they're sea monsters and giants living under the ravaging waves of the sea. Giant Sharks, giant monsters, dragons, unexplained beings, mermaids, goddesses on water, or the tales of the dead. But still, civilizations still kept their legends as stories and fairy tales before some mythical creature could exist.

Then, civilizations grew, cities were born, new lands, new items, new resources, and war began to turn the world upside down. Many kingdoms had huge expectations when it comes to the ocean, the once beautiful ocean that flows around their land will be taken over by those civilizations. The ruler of the seas or far not, the ruler of the seven seas, power over the seas has made war on water a disruptive force on the ocean.

Even to this day...

As power continues to rise and then to corrupt the peaceful lives of civilizations, the power grew and became a bomb, a bomb in exploding the ties between other civilizations, the power to rule over territory, new resources, and new strategies in making a better life, the monarchy, the democracy, and such others are formed. Then, war began, tearing apart cities, kingdoms, and society. Technology has changed ever since, as they became the pride of the nation.

But there was a saying, no matter what era, there was war...

And War, never changes.

It's been a long time ever since the ocean was now full of hatred and anger as human society has made her into a huge warzone. Storms, typhoons, tsunamis, underwater volcanoes, they formed in the ocean as it's hatred for human society. But not until a new enemy has arrived to disrupt the ocean's peaceful flow. There were the unknown invaders from another world. A mysterious force of anthropomorphic girls with monstrous riggings with technology so advanced that no current human technology can counter attack it.

Human civilization almost ended by the mysterious alien force, known as the Siren Blitz, many surviving civilians and military ran to possible shelters as they can only hear the sound of destruction of human history on the surface.

But not if these mysterious alien forces didn't expect soon that an Asian force would come and disrupt the reign of aliens known as the Sirens. Ever since the Empire's fall, these nations fought back, arresting several soldiers, and others punishing them for their war crimes to these nations as many civilians died, not soldiers. These nations then formed an alliance, an alliance made by small nations that soon will rise to power.

The Liberal Republic, an asian force that rose from the depths of despair and rose to do their huge task... "To Liberate". They took surviving military supplies, ships, airforce, and technology as preparations began to liberate the world once more and end the Sirens.

"We Liberate them. We End them!" A saying of a former president said that motivation led these asian forces to rise and prepare for a huge mission.

That mission was then surfaced by the heirs of their former leaders, thus the mission began as the Liberated World Project. These nations fought these alien forces in the Pacific Islands of Hawaii, taking back Pearl Harbor. Then the attack on Japan and China as several anomalies known as the Red A.I. The army is now a pile of metal. Survivors opened the vault as saviours came. The world has never seen anything like it. Asia, the biggest continent on Earth, was under Liberal Rule. Many soldiers died but for their mission to make this world a peaceful world like they once lived.

All except a major pawn force-The Axis-Siren. Nations who used alien technology or Siren technology are on a different level and path, unknown to them that they only used them as puppets for a huge role and threat. But these soon fell into the hands of the Liberal Republic as many soldiers fought both human and siren till their death.

"These humans, so many souls, that they have a reason, they fight and they die for their nation." That is the sympathy of a Filipino Admiral who looks at the corpses of both their enemies and allies.

Europe, the continent with a rich history was no longer a rich continent nor nation, as landmarks that show the pride of their nation were left in shambles, the cracks of pain and a fallen era of humanity has fallen on Earth. Europe was under Liberal Rule thanks to the Liberal Republic as then came the new world.

America, a continent that grew from it's colonization to a growing nation as technology rises, buildings, and humans flock around it's once former glory. America then allied with their surprised saviour. "I would never have thought that an Asian Force would be our saviour." Many Americans said that they once had a rivalry between different races. But with this project finished, the last and final mission was on their minds. End the Sirens!

Then it had begun, the nations' anger and vengeance was burning in every human's mind and hearts as they showed the fear and might of humans. The war between humanity and the forces of the Sirens had begun, a surprise attack from the skies, and the hatred waves of the ocean ravaged through every being on water. An all-out war, fire, smoke, and the sounds of engines revving, shots fired, and explosions echoed the ocean as many aircraft and ships sunk into the dark depths of the ocean.

But it was not from the Liberal Republic, but the Sirens. Their greatest fear and mistake had happened; humans who they thought were weak are nothing but humans with hope on their side as soon other nations joined. With fire in their memories and hearts, this is the nations' vengeance as they shouted- "END THE SIRENS!"

Ever since that day, many sirens were littered on the ocean's waves as they sunk into the bottom with no trace of its existence. The fall of the Sirens had made it worse for them, but for humanity, they ended the Sirens as many soldiers and generals saw their determination, no longer just about their nation and people, but for humanity. "If they fight for humanity... They die for humanity." "And so are we!'' The cries of humans were heard around the other nations as they fought for humanity.

Then a shout was heard from the smoke and ashes. A flag of an honor to their Republic with a man raising his hand with a sword filled with yellow fluid as he shouts, "This flag that stands in front of our eyes was the honor of our victory! For all who fought! For all who stand! The old, the young, and the weak... But they all stand and fight! They all fight for humanity!" "We stand and rise up! As long as we live... The heart of this alliance can never be broken. Things will change, my allies. As heroes and humans we will return to our World's embrace!"

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