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ushijima was standing on the bed and chugging a bottle of beer. "go ushijimaaaa!" suga yelled, the others whooping, clapping, and cheering him on. he chugged the last bit and held the empty bottle in the air, the cheers getting louder.

"easy work. anybody wanna race?" ushijima asked, sitting the bottle on a table next to the bed.

"i'll race you!" someone said from the crowd. everybody watched as they made their way to the front.

"shirabu? you wanna race me?"

"yeah, i do."

"shirabu, what are you doing? you know ushijima-san is unbeatable," someone else said, grabbing shirabu's arm.

"relax, semi. i got this." he placed his hand on semi's. "trust me." semi sighed and let go of shirabu's arm. "let's race, ushijima-san."


"akaashi's not answering. maybe he's asleep."

"relax, suna, i'm sure akaashi's fine."

"what do you know, komori?" suna said, bouncing his leg anxiously at the red light.

"i know that you need to calm the fuck down. akaashi is fine, i'm sure of it."

"i know, you're probably right." suna slowed his bouncing leg as the light turned green. "it's just that you know how i feel about him."

"you being a whipped little shit for your best friend? yeah, i know."

"i'm hanging up now." suna hung up the phone and tossed it in the passenger's seat. he got to the hotel and parked, getting out of the car and heading into the building. "hi, do you know what room keiji akaashi is in?"

the receptionist typed something on her computer and pointed towards the elevator. "room 420."

"thanks." suna walked in the direction she pointed towards and went into the elevator, pushing button four. "of course he picked 420." the elevator dinged and he stepped out, sprinting down the hall to room 420. he stood in front of the door and stared. "it can't be that bad."

he hesitantly grabbed the door handle and pushed it open. his eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he saw the room. "holy shit, this place is a mess." he walked into the room and stepped over empty beer bottles, pink lemonade cans, crumpled up cups and plates, and chip bags. "oh, they partied hard."

suna walked over to the bed akaashi was sleeping on and carefully picked him up, akaashi wrapping his arms and legs around suna. "oh my god, don't freak out," suna mouthed to himself. he stepped over the trash and walked out, closing the door behind him and walking to the elevator.

he got to his car and opened the back door, laying akaashi down on the seat and sliding his arms from under him. as he started to pull away, akaashi grabbed his arm, startling suna. "don't... go," akaashi mumbled, still asleep.

suna let out a long sigh as his heartbeat calmed down. "jesus, that scared me." he got in the back seat and gently closed the door, laying down with akaashi and wrapping his arms around his waist. "you make me feel things i can't fully comprehend," suna mumbled, burying his face into akaashi's chest.


suga woke up with a horrible hangover, sitting up with a hand on the side of his head and bags falling into his lap. "what happened?" he asked hoarsely, looking around at the trashed room. "oh, party. right." he hissed at a sharp pain in his head. "fuck, my head hurts."

suga turned his head towards a rustling noise and someone sat up, rubbing their head. "where am i?"

"morning, semi." he jumped and snapped his head towards suga with wide eyes, placing his hand over his heart as he sighed.

"jesus, you scared me. what happened?"

"we happened. look at this place. we totally trashed it."

"we're gonna have to tip the cleaning lady extra, aren't we?"

"most definitely." the two laughed as they got up and started to clean up the room. some of the others woke up a few minutes later and started helping as much as they could. after about 30 minutes, the room was cleaned as best as they could get it.

"hey, wait, where's kuroo and daishou?" bokuto asked, looking around the room.

"and where's akaashi?" oikawa added. the group turned their heads to a door as kuroo and daishou walked out, stopping in their tracks when they realized they were being stared at.

daishou was wearing an oversized shirt, which was obviously probably kuroo's, with his shoulder and red marks on his neck and collarbone being exposed. kuroo didn't have on a shirt, since it was occupied by daishou, and his sweats sagged to show his v-line.

"uh... good morning?" daishou said questioningly with a shrug.

"looks like you two had a wonderful night," terushima smirked.

"fuck 'wonderful,' it was heavenly," kuroo said, making an 'okay' sign with his hand and earning a slap on his chest from daishou.

"you should let me have him for a night," daichi said with a sly smirk.

"i don't care how sexy your thighs are, he's mine," kuroo responded, wrapping his arm around daishou's waist.

"correction: no, i am not," daishou declared, prying kuroo's arm off his waist and walking back into the room.

"but you wanna be," kuroo remarked, following daishou and closing the door behind him.

"anyway, let's start getting ready to check out. i wanna go home and get rid of this hangover 'cause i gotta go to work later," futakuchi said, picking up his stuff from around the room.

"yikes, can't be going into work with a hangover," noya said, leaning against a table.

"don't you have to work today too?" suga asked, picking up his stuff as well.

"luckily, i don't. i do have to work tomorrow, though."

"this was fun. we should do it again some time," kita said with a small smile, the others agreeing.

"maybe we should tone down on the alcohol, though. my head is booming like crazy," atsumu stated, rubbing his head as sakusa ruffled his hair.

"i told you pink lemonade helps with washing down alcohol," ushijima added, getting a glare from atsumu.

"yeah, whatever, ushi."

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