Chapter 25 - Wrong Dimension

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(Note the fact that this chapter was WIP before this book reached 10K reads.)

Three days later...

It's 8:00 AM in the Empire State. Every high-ranking officer was in Ruv's office. They were discussing a controversial topic, which is the usage of toxic gas to kill humans.

Ruv: Alright. As you all know, we are going to address a very controversial topic that has spread around the military like wildfire. That is, the usage of poison gas against our enemies, which are human.

William: It's just so damn barbaric! Even if they are wankers, they should have a chance to live!

Joseph: I agree. Ve must stop the usage of toxic gas at once, and decommission the gas weapons we still have!

About half of the room agreed. However, there were opposing sides.

John: So, what if they're humans? They're still enemies, and they deserve to suffer because of it!

General Spector: Please, don't be too barbaric now. But yes, they're still enemies, and we need to dispose of them quickly and efficiently, even if it means resorting to the barbaric methods.

The other half agreed to General Spector and John. Ruv came up with a compromise.

Ruv: I have a compromise. We shall no longer use toxic gas against HUMANS. We can still use toxic gas against Salem and her Grimm.

The whole room was chatter for a moment.

Random Officer 1: What is the leader proposing?

Random Officer 2: He has a good point.

Y/N: Let's consider the pros and cons here!

After a while of chattering, everyone agreed to the compromise.

Ruv: Then it's settled. We shall no longer use toxic gas on our enemies. Also, I forgot another important announcement.

Everyone (except Ruv): What?

Ruv: I am proposing to discover another new world.

Everyone (except Ruv): Ooh!

The whole room was loud chatter.

Y/N: I'll go. I have the most experience with dimensions.

Ruv: That's true. The dimension you will be exploring is a bit of a strange one.

Y/N: What is it?

Ruv: I don't have many details yet, but it appears to be a world where everyone is... ruled by a... giant jelly bean guy.

Y/N: ...What in the world...?

John: I've heard crazy stuff, but that's a little too crazy!

Joseph: Jou literally proposed to use missiles as fireworks at your birthday party!

John: So, what? Missiles ain't crazy!

Ruv: Wait. Interdimensional scouts have returned. Here is the giant jelly bean guy.

 Here is the giant jelly bean guy

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