Chapter 31 - The Cat Isn't So Bad...

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One Day Later...

Y/N was heading on down to the prison cell where Union was being held. Ole Hass had called him because he noticed some unusual behaviors about Blake Belladonna, the cat.

Ole Hass: You're here, sir.

Y/N: What have you noticed, Ole Hass?

Ole Hass: Out of all of the people here, Blake seems very sad.

Y/N: What does that have to do with me?

Ole Hass: She doesn't seem to be trying to break out, unlike a certain yellow-haired person here.


Ole Hass: Not happening!

Ole Hass: Anyways. I have gone over various recordings of the security feed of the cell. Out of everyone in the cell, Blake is the only one who isn't trying to break out. Other than the headmasters, of course. I also went over some of the voice recordings. She was crying. She seems... Regretful of her actions towards you.

Y/N: ...Bring her out. I have some interrogations to make.

Ole Hass: Yes sir.

Ole Hass disabled the energy wall which kept the Union students and headmasters in. The headmasters looked up and looked back down.

Yang: Ruby! Now!

Ruby and Yang tried to break out, with Weiss following them. However, they were shocked as soon as they tried to escape. Y/N turned to see Ole Hass with electricity coming from his hands.

Ole Hass: Surprised? Yeah. This was a secret power I had.

Y/N: Well, let Blake out.

Ole Hass walked up to Blake.

Ole Hass: Come on, Belladonna. The Krux Leader wants to see you.

Blake looked up in fear for a moment, but quietly got up and complied.

Y/N mind: Strange. Why would she comply with the people who captured her?

Y/N: Follow me.

Y/N lead Blake to an interview room. Again, she complied, making Y/N surprised and suspicious.

Y/N: Tell me, Blake. Why is it that you haven't tried to break out yet?

Blake was silent.

Y/N: Okay then. Explain to me why you beat me up with the re-


Y/N: ...Wha-

Blake: I was forced to comply with my team... If I didn't, they'd expose me for being an ex-White Fang member. I'm sorry! I didn't want to be executed or anything!

Y/N mind: Is she really that regretful?

Y/N: I'm a bit suspicious. Tell me more insight.

Blake: Well... A long while ago, I had to hijack a dust train owned by the Schnee Dust Company. Adam Taurus was there with me.

Y/N: Go on...

Blake: Well, it turned out that Adam and his crew wanted to blow up the train. I started to have doubts on whether I was doing good or not. Ultimately, I abandoned Adam and his boys.

Y/N: Go on...

Blake: I enrolled in Union sometime after. I thought I was gonna be safe... But no. My teammates figured out that I used to be a part of the White Fang. Being the jerks they are, they forced me to obey them or they'll expose me.

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