Ch11: define us

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They said staying home is supposed to be fun, relaxing and welcoming.

Well, not when you no longer have a home.

<< flashback >>

" Nerlinda we have to talk" my mom said entering my bedroom.

"Urgh " I groaned while patting down on my bed so she can sit.

" You know life isn't as always as you expect it to be right? " she stated while approaching toward me.

Though, it felt like she was talking to herself more.

" a twist can always happen sometimes and this twist can be surprising and for the best too sometimes " she continued, studying each and every word as she spoke

" sometimes it can also be a disaster also. let's not forget that part " I honestly added

" right. well, I wanted to tell you " she stopped, licking her dried lips. she does it a lot, especially when she's nervous

" Jacob's gay " we speak at the same time but the only difference is we didn't say the same words since her came out more like "We're moving "

" What !!! " we both squealed

" we're moving ?" I spoke firstly cutting her put in the process

Those two words sounded so foreign to me and neither did I wanted to understand them.

" This is unfair " I yelled on the edge of crying

Actually, life is unfair

Living with my mom for my whole life make me know her like I know my alphabet.

Well, kind of since i can't even tell you what comes after ' M ' without singing the alphabet song.

Anyway that's not the point. I know she wouldn't make such decisions by herself. some stubborn person probably convinced her unto doing so.

" Tell me the real reason we're actually moving, Mom " I asked bitterly

" Spill it " I yelled being to impatient to hear her reason. a few minutes pass, she still didn't answer my question .

" I thought so " I yelled

" if it'll make it better, he's a nice guy with two kids. he's name John if u were wondering. " she stated making me roll my eyes at her comment

" Give him a chance Nerly " she added "your attitude isn't cute "

' yeah i'll give him a chance alright ... a chance of getting out of myself '

<< end of flashback >>

" I'm still not moving " I stated for a million times now

" You are such a stubborn child " she sighed " I thought that stubbornness of yours would have been gone by now " she said smiling trying to enlighten the convo.

You could tell she was really exhausted. Her skin didn't glow as I used to remember, her voice became lighter by minute and even her hair , it was a whole different story. All in all, she looked miserable. I did feel bad for her but that doesn't mean I agree on moving.

" When were you planning on telling us " I said finally breaking the awkward silence between us

" I couldn't find the perfect time to say "

" That you're getting married " I said cutting her off

" Again, we're not getting married." she sternly admitted this time. " we're just moving together, all of us. As a family " she continued taking my hands like it was her only way for me to understand.

" then get married after" showing her that I wasn't in the mood for sweet talking, I pulled my hand away while glaring at her

" By the way when and how are you going to tell Jacob " I said moving away from her

" Tell me what " Jacob asked curiously standing by the door

" This is going to be interesting " I said smiling but not so innocently " but it's suck that I can't stay here to enjoy this " I continue looking at her deadly


It's unbelievable how parents sometimes give themselves a ' pep-talk ' before actually recite them to their poor child, cuz right now it feels like I'm living an almost déjà-vu.

" You know life isn't as always as you expect it to be right? " she stated while approaching my brother this time.

"a twist can always happen sometimes and this twist can be surprising and Also for the best sometimes " she continued, studying each and every word as she spoke just like she did before

' very well rehearsed ' I mentally said while purposely giving her a round of applause

" Omg you know " he asked clearly in shocked

" That you're gay " she calmly answered " I'm fine with it " she continue making me roll my eyes

Since when will our mom be fine with this. if I remember perfectly, she stopped talking to her older sister the moment she find out she was bisexual. the only reason they're friend now is because she's the only one she got since their mom is already on her death bed.

" You are " he said clearly in shocked by her behavior also

" well brother, it's cuz our dear Franchise have a secret too, right mom ? " I asked dramatically

" no I'm not " she quickly disagree

" I'm bisexual " i blurt out sarcastically

" Now we shall celebrate with a dinner tomorrow " I said but stupid me I forgot parents doesn't understand my type of 'languages ' well.

" That's actually a great idea, you know " my mom added not realizing it was just me being sarcastic like usually

' what a day '

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