Ch5: it wasnt perfect

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I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing signaling Jasmine's calling .

Without the need of asking anything , I already know why . Truthfully , I wasn't in the mood for partying anymore but I believe that a promise shall never be broken regardless of your situation. So , I had no choice but to keep mine.

" How may I assist you missy " I groan sleepily on the phone realizing that I need to sneak out once again this week.

" Are you ready . We're on our way right now" she stated but since I know her to well, i know she wasn't even prepared yet either .

" Bitch , you act like we met yesterday " I stated while switching my body position on the bed a little .

" Okay, " she giggle " but you have to get up so we could start our 'project'. " she continued while saying our code name afraid of someone hearing her out .

But Who's that idiot that would listen to our conversation though ? Since we barely have a serious one anyway ...

Oh wait ... that would've been our parents.

I finally wake up wanted to get over with ' our project' so I could return back to my luscious bed .

Jasmine came over with Kayla around 10 pm since my mom usually go to bed around 9 or 10 during the weekdays. An hour after making sure that my parents is fully asleep; we made our way toward our destiny.

" those kids already got wasted and it's not even close to midnight yet " Jasmine said trying to find her way inside the living room.

" welcome to the 21st century, where teens also 'don't care ' about what their parents have to say till they get in trouble " Kayla announced looking at me since I sneaked out again this month.

" it's not our fault " I said smiling innocently " blame the demons in our head " I continue while avoiding stepping on a drunk girl who had collapsed in front of me.

' it's better the floor then me' I thought out loud which made the girls laughed

" Party time " jasmine singed happily while walking away, unfortunately she was grabbed by Kayla

" You know what we're here for " Kayla said scolding her but not before giving me a look also.

" Let's go before ' someone ' recognize her " she continued but pointing at me this time. " Whose going to recognize Nerly here" jasmine stated which I nodded in agreement.

Following Kayla index finger, there stood someone I never expected would be there. Normally they usually says curiosity kills the cat, well I guess they've forgotten that a cat have nine lives.

" What is he doing here " Jasmine asked in shocked which made Kayla jumped at her high pitch voice.

" Don't just stay there with your mouth open, talk!" Jasmine yelled at me which made me punch her.

" I clearly remember i said talk, not punch ' me ' " Jasmine commented again making Kayla laugh.

Since none of us seemed to be moving from where we've been standing for the past 15 minutes; being the 'mature ' one, Kayla pulled us so we could start with our ' project '.

" Is yall turning up or naw? " I heard someone said as soon as we were about to walk away. If I'm not mistaken, i'll say it's Hayden.

" I said Is you all turning up or naw" he said again but a little more demanding this time which made me roll my eyes.

" Proper English dumbass" Kayla said wacking him a little which made him grimace.

If you haven't notice yet just like every group of friends, we also have an annoying , a genius, and a wise.

According to my point of view, Kayla was the 'mature' and the most clever one in our group. If you judge her by her appearance the only think you will know about her is that she is hella rude.

Jasmine was outgoing and most of the times slow however she was full of surprises. Spending a full day with her will make you want to take an eternal nap.

While I on the other hand was just plain old me.

" can we start already" I asked them afraid to be seen by whom should not be name.

" I don't know can we " Kayla said raising one of her eyebrow.

Heading to our secret spot, we changed into our costume and acted like the hero we wished we really were for the remaining of the time.

Who doesn't believe in magic ?!

' Me ' I thought to myself; but how can one who don't believe in magic able to be THe magician.

I'm still trying to process this

The theme screamed in different shade of grey with fireworks surrounding the words making it more noticeable.

" What do you wish for " Kayla asked disguising her voice as soon as we all got into position.

" To lose my virginity " someone said making me roll my eyes.

' why would you wish that out of everything ' I whispered but mostly to Jasmine.

' because it's impossible to wear a tampon when you're a virgin. Duh ' Jasmine joke making me almost snort.


" It's a boy though " I finally said coming to a stop

" You never know what he have down there " Jasmine stated, which was true. The students of Beverly high school are fairly weird, everything is unexpected when it involves them.

" anyway, who must that be" Kayla asked again glaring at us to stay focus also.

" Is it really necessary for me to say my name " the boy asked clearing his throat

" Yes sir. unless u state some information about you, we won't be able to help you out " Kayla simply said

However , it was mainly true ... we were mostly curious

" well, it's Chris from Beverly High School" he said then pausing for at least two seconds " last name is Junior " he continued

Chris junior as in Haden best friend is a virgin.

' no way ' Jasmine almost yelled which made me cover her mouth, and mine as well

But who would've thought ...  Chris Junior is a virgin

I wonder who knows apart from us

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