Ch4: not what I had in mind

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" I'm HOME ! " I screamed at the top of my lung as I enter inside of my cozy house.

" Nerl, I have to talk to you. wait for me in the kitchen. " my mom said yelling from upstairs

" I don't want to 'talk ' ma " I whine while air quoting the word talk even though she couldn't see me .

" You don't have a choice. " I heard a voice behind me said which had me frightened. I turned around swinging the only thing I had for protection .

A pack of ham.

" Really Nerly . you would've been dead by now if I wanted to attack you " my mom said , smiling at me with amusement

" How long have you been in the kitchen " I whispered as if i was telling her one of my deepest secret.

" Long enough to see you opening and closing the door of my danm fridge repeatedly! " she said before pushing me away from the fridge .

" Jessh women. pass me a drink would you, I'm dehydrated. " I said waving my hands nonstop in the air.

" I thought, you were hungry. So why ... " She asked looking confused

" if I have to make it myself, I'm no longer hungry " I cut her off already knowing what she was going to ask. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about since you're here already ? " I said as I start drinking my juice

" Well, I'm gonna go straight to the point. " she said staring at me like i was her target

" Okay ... talk " I shifted a little before taking a seat on my favorite kitchen stool .

" the party you usually goes to in the beginning of the school year ; you're not going " she blurted out 

" Bish what. " I was so in shocked, I didn't even realized what I said .

" Excuse you " she said turning red from either anger or embarrassment for my choice of words .

" Uhm ... I- I mean to sayyyy uhm .... why" I said on the acting like i'm going to crying " but momma, I promise Jasmine that we're going together though "

" I . don't . care " she said making sure i understands how much of a care did she not give .

but I cared

I care very much ...

' perhaps Ms. Fielder had call her and report about my earlier behavior from her class ' i thought while remembering our little scene from earlier.

But it doesn't make sense because if that was the case, she wouldn't have been as quiet as she is right now, and she would've ground me for life.

' when was the last time i got grounded ' i asked myself smiling.

<< flashback >>

" you are so grounded " my mom yelled as soon as we entered the house while attempting to dry herself as best as possible.

It all started with a debate that my friend and i were having in class. Since our math teacher always said that her fish were special, we wanted to know how and what made it special exactly. Everyday on our spare time, Jasmine, Kayla and I would observe the fish to know what made it not so ordinary.

' perhaps it could breath without water unlike those boring fish ' i told my friends.

Seeing that we couldn't find any other reasonable cause, we decided to put our statement in process. We accidentally broke the glass while trying to take the fish out of its lovely home, which caused the fish to die also.

All of our predictions were a waste. Apparently, the fish was only special because it was a gift from her younger sister before she past away.

Oh we learned a lesson , not Only that fish doesn't have any super power; we also learn to ' keep our God Danm hands to ourselves' as my mama likes to put it .

<< end of flashback >>

" Where's Jacob " I said changing the subject as I realize my mom was looking at me like i was crazy especially after being told that i can't go have fun.

" His room " I heard my mom yelled behind me

" kay , thanks " I said winking at my mom as I made my way there .

I walked to Jacob door quietly making sure to catch him doing something wrong so i could use it against him.

Manipulating and blackmailing people was one of my favorite hobby.

why !?

Because people tend to help you more when they're trying to protect themselves in the process.

Putting my head in his door was useless, since I couldn't hear anything that was happening in there. It was way to quiet for my liking which mean it won't be easy at all. Unfortunately, I didn't hear anything. Without thinking twice, I follow my guts and hoped for the best.

" Gotcha " I scream pointing my finger at him accusingly as I barged in his room.

" I'm not doing anything" He angrily screamed staring at me straight in the eyes leaving me mesmerized.

It felt like Jacob was trying to take my soul away or even read through it, if that was possible. I shifted a little on my other feet at the thought of that and quietly made my way inside of his room even more.

" this is gonna be hard " I thought to myself while trying to make myself feel at home

I couldn't come out as strong as I used to or wanted to since lately he haven't caused any trouble. At all. Which is extremely strange i'll say .

" watchu up to buddy " I said giving him a cheesy but awkward smile . I stopped smiling and switch a straight face seeing how uncomfortable I made myself.

" what do you want " Jacob said while making his way to his friends whom was standing by the window .

" can't I come by and say hi to my sweet innocent little brother " I said nicely .

His body tense as I finished my sentence. I stop and watched him silently as he stare at me back.

Guilt ,

hate ,


and mostly disappointment showed in his beautiful innocent ocean eyes. But right now it didn't look as innocent as I last remembered.

But why??

As soon as he's emotions came, it all vanished at the blank of an eyes. There were no emotions left at all . I felt scare for myself at that moment .

Was I imagining things ?

Wait , Did I do something wrong to anger him ?

Could he be mad at me for barging in his room like that ?

Does he know my secret ?

Am I hiding something?

Do I have a secret ?

Why do I feel so unease ?

I was left standing in his room afraid of hearing the truth of my questions at loud.

" uhm , I-I ... I have something to do. I just remembered that ." I stuttered backing out of his room simultaneously. I ran to mine immediately and lock it behind me in the process of ignoring my name being called .

' What the hell was that all about ' I question quietly on my Pokemon pillow .

Why is he soo angry ?

At 679 polka dot , I lost track of everything . Sleep envelope me making it harder for me to look at the ceiling . I trashed and turned around not wanted to take a nap , but nothing worked . My eyelids became heavier as my mind started to feel relax as time pass by. Before I knew it, I was knocked out .

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