Birthday At Sea

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Today was my birthday, and as Eric had promised we were celebrating it at sea. The salty sea air blew roughly, the dolphins swam, the seagulls flew and cries were heard all around. Our grand ship passed through the waves and the sailors sang happily while working on deck.

-"I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless sea, and it's hay to the starboard, heave-ho. Lookout, a mermaid or merman be waiting for you. In mysterious fathoms below" they sang while lifting the net full of fresh fish.

-"Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face, A perfect day to be at sea!" Eric exclaimed happily while standing by one of the boat's balconies.

-"Oh, I can't wait to see the stars at night!" I said happily while petting Max, our big black and white sheepdog.

-"Oh, yes. Delightful" Grimsby answered sarcastically while he threw up this morning's breakfast, I handed him a handkerchief once he looked back up.

-"A fine strong wind and a following sea, King Triton must be in a friendly type mood" the sailor fixing the sails told us while we helped him.

-"King Triton?" I asked.

-"Why, ruler of the merpeople, my lady, thought every good sailor knew about him" another cutting fish heads answered.

-"Merpeople?! Eric, Y/n, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense, their nothing but lousy tales" Grimsby warned us.

-"But it ain't nonsense, it's the truth! I'm tellin' ya! Down in the depths of the ocean they live by!" the same sailor scolded Grimsby with a fish.

The fish was still alive so given the chance it slipped from the sailors fingers back into the ocean.

-"In mysterious fathoms below!" the rest of the sailors finished their song.


The little fish scurried to swim as fast as it could to a safe distance from the boat. At a good distance it stood there sighing in relief to be alive and not eaten. He continued swimming, threw algae vines, corals of different colors and sizes, and passed various fish and jellyfish. Swimming alongside mermaids he finally reached Atlantica, the majestic and beautiful kingdom located beneath the Atlantic Ocean.

Trumpets were heard as you entered the castle, people rushing to take the front row seats, excited for their now annual music festival. A little seahorse swam forward, clearing his throat and spoke...


This is the new story being posted! One chapter every day!

For the people who wanted a The Incredibles 2, I'm happy to let you know it's in the works. I have ideas set, I'm just trying to arrange them a bit. 

I hope you enjoy this new story!


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