Scuttles Knowledge

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Swimming to the surface was a bit hard but really worth it. We were visiting Scuttle, our seagull friend who knew all about these human things. Finally reaching the surface I saw him looking through some type of object he had probably found.

-"Scuttle!" he played with the object and placed it on his head like a hat, but after hearing us call after him he looked through it.

-"Whoa, Merman off the port bow!" he shouted.

-"Ares, how you doin', kid?" he hadn't realized we were right in front of him, so when he took the object off he looked surprised.

-"Whoa, what a swim!"

-"Scuttle, look what we found!" I pulled the satchel and dumped the items in it in front of him.

-"Human stuff, huh? Hey, let me see," taking a look at each item carefully, he hummed and nodded, mumbling some stuff to himself occasionally.

-"We were in this sunken ship, and it was really creepy! Then out of nowhere a shark chased us all the way around, until he got caught in a metal loop!" Flounder explained the shark and ship.

-"Oh! Oh! Look at this!" he pulled up the tiny, little silver trident.

-"Wow! This is special, this is very very unusual" he scratched his head and looked at the item, turning it side to side.

-"What? What is it?"

-"It's a dinglehopper"

-"Humans use these little babies to straighten their hair out," he explained, and almost dropped the dinglehopper.

-"See? Just a little twirl here and a yank there and...viola!" he pulled the dinglehopper out of his feathers.

-"Ya got an aesthetically-pleasing configuration of hair, that humans go nuts over" Scuttle returned the dinglehopper to me.

-"What about this one?" Flounder pointed to the brown, squiggly thing I had found last.

-"Ah! I haven't seen this in years. This is Wonderful!"

-"A banded, bulbous, snarfblatt"

-"Ohh" we both sighed and waited for the explanation.

-"Now, the snarfblatt dates back to prehistoric times when humans use to sit around and stare at each other all day"

-"Got very boring"

-"So, they invented the snarfblatt to make fine music, allow me" he blew air into the snarfblatt, but instead of music wet sand, seaweed, and dirt came out.


-"Oh, the concert! My father's gonna kill me!" I rushed, placing everything back in the satchel.

-"The concert was today?!"

-"Maybe you could make a little planter out of it or something" Scuttle fiddled with the snarfblatt until I took it, placing it in the satchel.

-"Sorry Scuttle, but I have to go!"

-"Thank you Scuttle!"

-"Anytime, lad!"



It's finally the weekend! No more test's! Yay!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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