The Morning Humming

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I watched from behind a rock as they took the girl whose name I now knew as Y/n, back home. Sebastian and Flounder had found their way to us, Scuttle sighed sadly as she left, Flounder looked confused and Sebastian looked angry and terrified.

-"We are just going to forget this whole thing happened!" Sebastian stated, making it clear he wanted no disagreement.

-"The Sea King will NEVER know!"

-"You won't tell him! I won't tell him! I will stay in one piece!" he kept rambling on.

-"I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something's starting right now" I sang softly, ignoring Sebastian's panicked orders.

-"Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be..."

-"Part of your world"


As Ares sang, hiding in the water were Flotsam and Jetsam. Their eyes glowed bright yellow as they spied on the little prince and his miserable love life.

Deep in the darkest waters of the sea were Ursula and her son Ursel, the sea witch and wizard watching the little prince.

-"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can't stand it, it's too easy," Ursula laughed.

-"The child is in love with a human, this is the perfect mother!" Ursel laughed along with her.

-"And not just any human dear, a princess! His daddy will love that!"

-"King Triton's headstrong, lovesick son, not to mention the heir, would make a fine collection for our garden! Wouldn't it?" Ursula laughed eerily in agreement to her son's suggestion.


Sebastian, Flounder and I had made it home. Sleeping was hard, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Eventually morning had come and my sisters called after me, telling me it was time to get up. I hummed the song I had sang to her while I got ready.

-"What is with him lately?"

-"He's been like this since yesterday?"

-"Oh, morning father" father had swam in, I had bumped into him distracted with my thoughts.


As Ares left happily humming the song, his sisters and father looked at him weirdly. The girls soon understood what was happening, while their father remained clueless.

-"Oh, he's got it bad!"

-"What?! What has he got?!" the King asked his daughters who looked quite shocked.

-"Isn't it obvious, Daddy? Ares is in love"

-"Ares? In love?" the King wondered and contemplated thoughts in his head wondering who had captured his son's heart.


There is like 11-12 chapters left to go, the next story will be the Christmas one. And if I calculated right these two story's might overlap, meaning you'll get two story's releasing at the same time! Yay!

Hope you enjoyed the chapters!


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