The Sea Witch and Wizard

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I called after them and followed them out of the grotto to Ursula's and Ursel's cave. Sebastian and Flounder had spotted me and begged me to stop but I ignored them and continued my way.

Their cave was dark and eerie, purple smoke seeped out of the holes around it. It was a bit intimidating, as I had never seen anything like it. I followed them and beneath us were polyps, all screeching something that wasn't understandable.

-"Come in, come in, my child" Ursula's voice beamed through the cave.

-"We mustn't lurk in doorways, it's rude" another voice, which I assumed was Ursel said.

-"One might question your upbringing" they both swam in, their tentacles sliding quickly against the ground.

-"Now, then, you're here because..." Ursula began but was interrupted by her son.

-"You have a thing for this human, the princess or something. Not that I blame you, she is quite beautiful isn't she?" he pulled me to some cauldron while his mother sat by a mirror looking at herself.

-"Well, lad, the solution to your problem is simple"

-"The only way to get what you want, is to become a human yourself"

-"Can you do that?"

-"My dear friend, it's what I do, my specialty if you want to put it that way"

-"It's the only fun I ever get, to help poor unfortunate merfolk like yourself"

-"The poor souls that have no one else to turn too"

-"I admit that in the past, that my mother's been a little hasty" he sang while he pulled ingredients out and placed them on a counter.

-"They weren't kidding when they called her, well, a witch"

-"But you'll find that nowadays, she's mended all her ways"

-"Teaching me the rights from wrongs, up until today"

-"True, yes indeed"

-"And fortunately she knows a little magic, and taught me all the stuff as well"

-"It's a talent we possess"

-"And here lately, please don't laugh, we use it on behalf"

-"Those poor unfortunate souls"

-"The lonely and depressed and miserable are the best"

-"Poor unfortunate souls"

-"In pain, in need"

He continued the song showing me a set of images made of smoke, of a girl wanting to be thinner while the boy wanting the girl.

-"This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl"

-"And do we help them?"

-"Yes, indeed"

-"Those poor, unfortunate souls, so sad, so true"

-"They come flocking to our cauldron, crying spells, and do we help them?"

-"Yes indeed!"

-"Now it's happened once or twice, where they couldn't pay the price"

-"And I'm afraid we had to rake em' across the coals"

-"Yes, we've had the odd complaints but on the whole we've been completely saint"

-"To those poor unfortunate souls" he finished the song and turned to face me.

-"Now here's the deal!"


I finished the Christmas special yesterday! I'm super excited to post it! Around 2 chapters will be posted per day, beside the usual Little Mermaid story.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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