The Engagement?!

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We had finally made it home, I kissed Ares's cheek and bid him a goodnight. I closed the door to my bedroom and fell asleep easily, tired and happy about today's events.

-The Next Morning-

Same routine as always I got dressed after waking up and ran down the stairs happily, ready to tell Eric what had happened. To my surprise, Eric was down in the hallway with Grimsby and a young man who I had never seen.

-"Good morning, my dear, your brother has excellent news!" Grimsby seemed happier than ever which kinda scared me.

-"Uhh...that's great, who's that?" I asked, referring to the tall brown haired man wearing a navy blue suit.

-"Oh! I can't hold it any longer! He's your fiancé dear!" Grimsby said happily and clapped.

-"WAIT! WHAT!" I looked over at Eric who nodded.

-"You're getting married this afternoon, it's a political alliance we need," he explained.

-"N-no, please don't do this Eric, please!" I begged and he shook his head, I backed away and rushed off crying. I didn't know where to hide, or who to talk to, so I ran to Ares's room.

-"A-Ares please let me in" I cried, he opened the door confused as I rushed in. He closed the door and looked at me questiongly, I ran and hugged him burying my head in his chest and crying.

-"Th-there making me marry someone, I-I don't want t-to" I said in between tears.

-"H-help me Ares, please" he massaged my back and hugged me while I tried to calm down.

They had eventually found me and told Ares to back off, telling him I was to be married at sunset. Ares looked more shocked than I did as they told him. He glared at the man, while the man simply grabbed my hand harshly and took me to Carlotta and the other maids to get ready.

-"Please don't cry dear, It'll be alright" she hugged me, trying to be assuring but we both knew it wasn't helping.


I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was sick and had a bad headache so I was in bed all day. I might not be able to post tomorrow so just in case I'll post it right now!


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